The GLOW 1996: Psychic Eustace Delmont, Episode 8 - Odin's Favorite Son

← Previous Arc Session |[ ↑ Arc/Campaign Page ]| Next Arc Session → Hide Prep Phases "Previously..." and Campaign/Arc Summary A Quick-ish Retcon Crafting the Shrine The GLOW 1996: Psychic Eustace Delmont Episode 8 - Odin's Favorite Son A Race Against Crime A Wild Genny Chase Axe vs Sword The Battle of the Courtyard Chaos in the Compound The Inner lair Upstairs || Downstairs The Chase through the Streets Doug's Commentary Mechanical and Story Notes Credits Taxonomy and Technical Data Previously, on The GLOW: 1996 Psychic Eustace Delmont Eustace and Hitomi have rescued Genny and turned off the towers. Now that they know that Magnus Odinson is behind — or at least part of a plot — to try and destroy the Order, Eustace has to try and stop Odinson. Though they have dealt a death blow to the Knives, it seems likely that Odins...