
Showing posts from March, 2025

The GLOW 1996: Psychic Eustace Delmont, Episode 8 - Odin's Favorite Son

← Previous Arc Session |[ ↑ Arc/Campaign Page ]| Next Arc Session → Hide Prep Phases     "Previously..." and Campaign/Arc Summary A Quick-ish Retcon Crafting the Shrine The GLOW 1996: Psychic Eustace Delmont Episode 8 - Odin's Favorite Son A Race Against Crime A Wild Genny Chase Axe vs Sword The Battle of the Courtyard Chaos in the Compound The Inner lair Upstairs || Downstairs The Chase through the Streets Doug's Commentary Mechanical and Story Notes Credits Taxonomy and Technical Data Previously, on The GLOW: 1996 Psychic Eustace Delmont Eustace and Hitomi have rescued Genny and turned off the towers. Now that they know that Magnus Odinson is behind — or at least part of a plot — to try and destroy the Order, Eustace has to try and stop Odinson. Though they have dealt a death blow to the Knives, it seems likely that Odins...

The GLOW: 1996 Psychic Eustace Delmont. Intermission #4 - Finishing Checking in with Rules and Such

← Previous Arc Session |[ ↑ Arc/Campaign Page ]| Next Arc Session →     The GLOW 1996: Psychic Eustace Delmont Intermission #4 - Finishing Checking in with Rules and Such Finishing Up the Check In Rereading "Need for Speed" (from Chapter 5) Rereading "Mission Start" Rereading "Great Powers" and "Neon Noir" Switching to One Per Week Credits The GLOW: 1996 Psychic Eustace Delmont. Intermission #4 - Finishing Checking in with Rules and Such Finishing Up the Check In A week or so ago — in blog time, more like 2 weeks ago in real time — I got through the first 147 pages of the Outgunned book to tighten up the rules, figure out stuff that I might need to change, and generally plot out ways to make the story feel a bit more Outgunned . Since then, Episodes 5, 6, and 7 have been played and I'm getting ready for Episode 8 which will definitely incre...