Eustace Delmont

EUSTACE DELMONT AND THE CASE OF THE RAMBLER'S INN is a Tricube Tales Solo campaign based on the Maidenstead Mysteries microsetting and using a combination of Richard Woolcocks' Tricube Solo with my own extended framework

In principle it takes three story elements that are often part of my campaigns - humor, mystery, and romance - and then makes them the main focus. It's a challenge to myself to weave an at least adequate mystery with various twists and turns, to make things kind of funny and silly, and to have the central romance (between Eustace Delmont and Hitomi Meyer) make sense. 

Another challenge of it is to "trap myself by the future." I say things that might be frequently heard in a mystery novel building up tension, stuff like - "That was before he went missing" - and then later try and figure out what that means in the context of all the oracle draws and skill checks and all that. 

The final challenge is to have way more threads that I tend to run outside of a Mythic game where threads get solved,, or at least stabilized, and new ones crop up. 


  1. 00 - In Which Things Are Stolen and Mysteries Sprout like Mushrooms. 
  2. 01 - The Thing Upon the Tape and Love's First Glance.
  3. 02 - The Dog Spray Found Upon the Path and Its Implication.


The game engine behind the Eustace Delmont series is Tricube Tales, Tricube Tales Solo, and Maidenstead Mysteries, all by Richard Woolcock.

Addition gameplay elements for this series will be derived from my own personal extended Tricubes framework and other oracle systems mainly including, but not limited to:
  • Random Realities by Cesar Capacle
  • Book of Random Tables: 1980s -1990s, BORT: Modern, and BORT: Eldritch by Matt & Erin Davids
  • Mythic GM Emulator by World Mill Games (mostly for the meaning tables in this case)
  • Table Fables: Modern by Madeline Hale
Graphics will be a heady blend of the base game (kind of rarely), my own weird sketches and ideas, Pixabay stock art, and AI generated bits. Essentially in that order for those last four.


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