The Bleak and The Pearl [SoloDark] Part 19 - The Fight with the Cultists and the Meeting with Uuld Alloces
" the day fades, the red light of the forest bathes the word in its red glow. the shouts and calls of the cultists can be heard as they approach..." == Game Master == 10. The Roof On the western side of the laboratory, the roof provides two main functions. There is a telescope here (made of fuelstone and fuelstone laced glass which enables not only the viewing of Light lines but also has the ability to see through smoke and haze). It is a work of careful creation and would be worth 1000s of gp if it could be carefully taken down and preserved. The other main function is for defense. There is a ledge allow for battle with some protection. Jonias was experimenting with special weapons that could channel the Light but never finished them. His notes are downstairs but it would take some time and skill. The Cultists There are twelve cultists. 10 of them have the following stats: Cultists, Regular AC 14 (chainmail + shield), HP 9, ATK 1 longsword +1 (1d8) or 1 spell +2, MV