The Big Barston Bakersfield Chronicles Recap, Part 2 (Advanced Fighting Fantasy)


In Part 1 of this Big Recap, we saw how a simple Harper's Quest 2 story blended with a too-large Troika campaign to become something in the middle: a simple-beginnings but unknown-endings Advanced Fighting Fantasy campaign. In this part, I will recap some of the ideas and sessions that began to set-up all the threads that I am still working on to this day...almost entirely in ways that I thought would go differently. 

-- Step One: Advanced Fighting Barston --

How to take a character from one system - Harper's Quest 2 uses the a similar STR/DEX/WIS loadout as Into the Odd's STR/DEX/WILL - and convert it into another: AFF's Skill, Luck, Stamina, and Magic? I handled this mostly by starting with the basics. I made a character in the default way and then looked for ways to tweak and update him. He had been pretty good in fighting groups of enemies so he got the Combat Tactics talent that meant he had training in facing multiple foes. He had absolutely sucked at casting or using anything magical so not only did he start with no magical talent or score in AFF but one of the inherent mysteries was why he seemed to be anti-magical. There was no disadvantage like that for him to take but it was baked into his story that he tended to avoid magical items. Even for potions he brewed herbal concoctions. Priestly magic was ok, but he horked up more wizardly magic...for some reason. 

He had a whetstone in HQ2 that gave him +1 Damage. In this case, his AFF mace gets +1 damage but otherwise uses the AFF damage track. 

One of the more perplexing items was a bow found in the HQ2 segment. It was in a secret room in a red warlock base and was tied into a wizard named Yevony The Great who had some non-specific dealings with at least some of the Reds. "Is this bow magical?" "Exceptional No." At the time I just played it as a very-mundane bow. Once the transition happened I wanted something more than that so ended up with it being anti-magic. The bow attracts magically inclined people and then destroys their magic ability when they use it. The supremely non-magical Barston just used it like a bow but it could even strip the magical nature out of entities over time. 

-- Step Two: Building a City Brick by Brick --

Humb was a bustling commerce town...kind of. There were a lot of merchants' guilds and a lot of commerce in potential, but for years the city had been increasingly having trouble reaching the outside world. To the north and west, the red warlocks choked off trade routes. To the south and east, it was the blue warlocks. Shipments got lost all the time. People visiting the city were under attack. Humb was in a long downfall state of decay.

I also rolled on a random table - I forget which one but it might have been something from Matt David's The Great Book of Random Tables or one of his related Quest books - and got some basic hooks to generate some threads for Barston to solve. Outside of the long-term disruption to supplies that put a strain on all trade, there was

  1. A general lack of faith plaguing the churches and the people,
  2. A number of people had gone missing with no clear explanation,
  3. A local troupe was in town having troubles getting people to join. 
A big one with no clear ending, a big one with probably a clear ending once it is solved, and a smaller one for flavor. I liked it. 

I also threw some Rory's Story Cubes to generate a few longer distance oddities to hook some adventures on and got there was a floating island related to missing livestock down south, a site where something had fallen from above and was altering the terrain (also down south), and a person who was trying to research stories of giants (in town, but focusing on the west). 

I plonked a few more threads in about a plague and another about folks turning into statues but both of those kind removed relatively soon [as in, immediately] because it was getting to be a bit too much. Both got just kind of summed up into "Humb has troubles and needs more supplies". 

Using The Universal NPC Emulator to generate some details along with some other rolls on things like Meaning Tables I ended up with some not-so-grimdark hooks such as the current mayor - Mayor Elore Mardias in a direct Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song nod - was an ex-bard and had a lot of fans and groupies who basically elected him and still hung on to him because of that. A river spotted briefly during the HQ2 session became the River Eos - a joke about "End of Service" derived from an online community I am part of for SaGa's Re;universe - and the major way to travel to and from Humb. There was a plotline about assassinating a shoemaker in Nallstay (an artisan city to the north alongside Lake Telos, another EOS joke). 

Barston was staying at the Dog and Duck Inn, near the Brite Green (the only remnant of Malakar Brite in the city's history...a park named for the long serving family of which Malakar was a member). 

The sheer number of details generated over these couple of prep sessions was growing a bit out of hand so it was time to actually play the dang thing.

-- A Grumpy Wizard, a Street Punk, a Reformed Warlock, an Elven Singer, a Con Man, and a Very Shaggy Dog Join a Journeyman Book Printer for Drinks --

Now having a working character, backed by AFF and Mythic GME 2, it was time to Barston to work. Why was Uncle Shell wrong? What actually happened forty-years ago when the Bakersfields fled Humb. How can Barston help all this chaos. The main goals were basically clear:

  1. Find out the truth of Uncle Shelltyon and Malakar Brite
  2. Punch out some Warlocks
  3. Help get supplies to Humb
The first adventure was a quick one. Barston is chilling in the Dog and Duck's bar when he hears shouts. He calls out to see if someone will help and the person who answers the call turns out to be Yevony the Great, the same wizard who seemed to be helping the warlocks (turns out he had snuck the bow in to try and get it to Malakar to destroy Malakar's magic, but that was found out later). The two of them temporarily team up to help the person shouting who is Derron Underhill, a young street punk character who prefers to his fists to any blade. Derron, a rebellious but spiritual teenager, becomes one of the main allies to Barston. At the time, Derron was working in the stables and trying to stop blue warlocks from stealing the horses. 

One of the Blues turns on the others and helps out the good guys. This ends up being Haig Raven: eventual reformed warlock and general digger into ruins and mystical mysteries. 

Besides these three, these early sessions introduced 
  • Astrid - runaway wood elf princess and current troupe leader of traveling performers The Skipping Faun who is intrigued by Barston, 
  • Nizel Torel - supposed Great Hero but actually a conman who told most of his own exploits to help with various schemes, and 
  • Gulwin - a great big shaggy dog that showed up during the HQ2 sessions but returned here to save Barston a couple of times. 
Nizel, by the way, was the one associated with the assassination plot at Nallstay, though this turned out to be a ruse by the Reds. 

It was a lot of characters already. Others got added as NPCs and townsfolk, including a Sheriff that was initially a main ally since the mayor always seemed dismissive of Barston. Our main group, swollen to capacity, eventually ended up tracking down the main base of the Blues and wrecking it, which freed up trade to the south and allowed Humb goods to reach the coast and Goldenbrook, a large coastal town with one hell of a political conflict going down. 

While I was doing a bang-up job of introducing characters and plots left and right - be it by oracle or meaning table to pulling some card or another, etc - one thing was clear: the campaign was losing focus and it was losing fun. The heart of this campaign was Barston and it was quickly becoming a group effort where there was no reason to believe that Barston was anything significant. 

-- The Great Split and the Move from the Original Plot --

Early on, there were two main goals for Barston that had never really been approached or close to solved: find Malakar Brite and find Uncle Shell's stuff. Taking care of Humb became the entire plotline, even greatly outpacing fighting off the warlocks. More and more people showed up. Bill Samford was a poor merchant and a worse guard. Bill had three friends with him (originally, before I made the whole circus, those three friends were going to be Barston's buddies at the Dog and Duck and kind of a Greek Chorus to back up our lone adventurer but frankly I did not have time for them). This cast of a dozen and then dozens became kind of background noise. 

The great split started to happen. Nizel and Yevony (the conman fighter and the morally questionable wizard) got sent north to Nallstay to handle whatever was up with the assassination plot and take care of business up there. Haig and Gulwin (reformed Warlock and shaggy miracle dog) fled town and justice and eventually team up with Ali Ahussa, professor and archeologist who had tried to hire Barston early on to hunt down proof of giants, to go off and explore. Astrid gets about half her time with Barston and Derron, half her time with The Skipping Faun. 

The sheriff got several story beats, A storyline involving Derron and Barston tracking down some bandits ended up triggering some interrupt scenes in which a new character - Alice Hunter - hires the two of them to free her friend and maybe lover, Lun, a member of the Humb guard who has been captured while the rest of the guard look the other way. This introduced a whole new bad guy, The Order of Illkar, which was posing as a merchant's guild specializing in religious supplies. This Order is the major instigator of many of Humb's issues, playing temples against one another while also stealing supplies and kidnapping people. 

There ended up being a rescue mission, finding out that the Sheriff and many of the guards folk were in on this "kidnap people for profit" plot, and a huge fight in the street in which Barston, his allies, and the printer's guild manages to win. The sheriff is arrested. Barston is an unsung hero. Alice and Lun are reunited. 

And absolutely none of these madcap and ever spiraling adventures had ever done anything to answer the question of Uncle Shellyton, the truth of Malakar Brite, or any of the things I assumed the story would be about. I could have reeled it in at any time. Haig had told Barston that Shellyton's stuff was kept in the old Blue base which now was now the domain of a lamia: in session two or so. The plotline about the assassination and the trip up river got delayed until it no longer felt timely but I could have just sent them on up earlier. There was a simple plan, early on, to have the team run missions to disrupt the warlocks, to find out the truth of Malakar, but those kept taking backseat to all the other stuff going on. 

-- A New Meta-Plot Slowly Develops --

While I was having fun, I was getting frustrated by my own allowing of things to keep building. Any attempt to hold myself back ended up with me going "ok, just one more". The "to be played" pile in this campaign was piling up. 

I did find new hope, though, in a series of hints and concepts that were laying a groundwork for a possible way out. Ruins near Humb that emitted brightly colored water every midsummer. A missing statue from a religious temple that seemed to have significance to Barston. Hints that Ick is more than a mere forest. A grove in a swamp with giant fruit trees and giant bees. Glowing people in the hills.  A mask that made the wearers dream, and those dreams keep telling those people to find Barston. Reality was bending, like someone or something had painted on the canvas multiple times...

...and Barston's own strange anti-magic nature might be the key to unraveling it all. 

But first, it was time to return to the original plotline. Barston wants to find the missing people the Order has sold off, but to do that he has to finish the Warlocks once and for all. Our now main three characters - Barston, Derron, and Astrid - set off on an outsized mission to bring volume one to a close. The Blues have been scattered, now it is time to break the Reds. And that mission ends....


In Part 3, I will go into how an epic trio of sessions made the world a lot more FANTASY while also making the original plotline more a form of therapy for a lost man who finally finds himself. And I'll go into how I plan to make sense of all these dang characters I could not stop myself from making.


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