The Bleak and The Pearl [SoloDark] Intermission 4: Leveling up to Level 4 (and the Hunt for Magical Weaponry)

Note: This whole post will be out-of-character and just in "Doug Notes" mode.

Leveling Up to Level 4

The four adventurers hit level four with the most recent outing so we will work on that, first. 

  • Grusk gets +6HP (bringing his total to 21). His Weapon Mastery will also hit 1+2 (1+1/2levels rounded down). This brings his total bonus to hit to +4 for all weapons (STR+ & Talent) and +7 for axes. He also gets +3 damage when using axes. My boy! His title rank remains Barbarian
  • Inar gets +3HP (18 total). He gets an additional 2nd level Priest spell. While Smite is tempting, I'm going for Cleansing weapon (+1d4 extra damage, +1d6 vs Undead) since he tends to be the kind to cast spells on others for effect. His title remains Invoker.
  • Tom gets +4HP (15 total). He gets an additional dice to his backstab (+3D in total, though that is +3d4 for his attacks). His title remains Outlaw. 
  • Rance gets +3HP (12 total). He gets an additional send level Wizard spell. I'm going for Misty Step since scooting back out of battle will likely be beneficial to him. His title remains Seer. 
All four need 40xp to hit level 5. 

Acquiring Magic Items

In the pre-written adventures, low level magic items are not super rare. I have been using random tables for around 2/3s of the campaign and have really not generated a usable magic item since the Wand of Webs. This leads us to a place where there is a single magic item (the axe, Bloodlust), a Priest who can temporarily magically enchant weapons based on a DC11/DC12 check, and a Wizard who can cast spells. The team is high enough rank now that plenty of creatures require some degree of magical damage to actually take damage. By level 4, if I was GMing for a group, everyone would likely have 1 magical item or more at this stage. I have also been very, very stingy on GP. This is putting the group behind a bit on material possessions. 

To rectify this, I will not add any Gold/etc to their total but I will roll for 2 magic weapons (one for Inar, one for Tom, page 292 of the book) and then generate 2 additional magical items. 
  • Inar gets a +1 Mace that is studded with gemstones (ruby). It gives advantage to initiative checks but grows stupidly heavy in water and causes the wielder to make swimming checks vs DC18. It will be called The Crimson Star. 
  • Tom gets a +1 Short Bow. Arrows shot from it trail sparkles. The arrows can pierce through any material and once per day the bow will shoot flaming arrows (+1d4) for 5 rounds. This will, of course, interfere with any sneak attacks. The Lucifer's Breath.
  • A Potion of Mind Reading (all creatures within near for 1 hour).
  • A statuette of a phoenix (with actual phoenix feathers) that makes the wielder immune to cold damage. 
That should be a good balance check. Tom's is a bit OP BUT it also makes him a clearer target since his arrows will sparkle as he shoots them, etc. I am not sure if cold damage will be even in this campaign but there you go. 


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