Solo Advice: Getting Started with Mythic, Part 1.5 - The Seven Steps in a More Visual Format + Gameplay Loop
In my previous post, I shared a possible first/quick session to learn about the basic core concepts of Mythic Gamemaster Emulator 2nd Edition. However, by the nature of the beast, that ends up being a lot of words and might not be the easiest document for people who like things more at a glance.
Thinking about that, I've created a companion document (thanks, Canva) that generalizes it more, uses fewer words, and formats things so the key words pop out harder:
It takes the same seven steps with essentially the same advice but there are fewer words for each. I am releasing it CC-BY but really most of the core content is taken from Tana Pigeon's original advice and flow (I did alter the order in which certain concepts show up).
A Rough Gameplay Loop
As part of that document, I included a page at the end that you can get in the PDF but it is meant to show how I use Mythic in a gameplay loop to generate my scenes and content. Eventually I'll write up a bit about some my ups and downs with Mythic but that will likely be a couple parts down the road.
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