The Bleak and The Pearl Part 19 - The Fight with the Cultists and the Meeting with Uuld Alloces [SoloDark]


" the day fades, the red light of the forest bathes the word in its red glow. the shouts and calls of the cultists can be heard as they approach..." 


10. The Roof

On the western side of the laboratory, the roof provides two main functions. There is a telescope here (made of fuelstone and fuelstone laced glass which enables not only the viewing of Light lines but also has the ability to see through smoke and haze). It is a work of careful creation and would be worth 1000s of gp if it could be carefully taken down and preserved.

The other main function is for defense. There is a ledge allow for battle with some protection. Jonias was experimenting with special weapons that could channel the Light but never finished them. His notes are downstairs but it would take some time and skill. 

The Cultists

There are twelve cultists. 10 of them have the following stats:

Cultists, Regular

AC 14 (chainmail + shield), HP 9, ATK 1 longsword +1 (1d8) or 1 spell +2, MV near, S +1, D -1, C +0, I -1, W +2, Ch +0, AL C, LV 2 

Fearless (Immune to morale checks). Deathtouch (WIS Spell, DC 12. 2d4 damage to one creature within close.)

Additional, 5 have longbows (+0, 1d6). 

Cultists, Senior

Two of them are more senior and have improved stats. 

AC 14 (chainmail + shield), HP 16, ATK 2 longsword +3 (1d8) or 1 spell +4, MV near, S +1, D -1, C +0, I -1, W +2, Ch +0, AL C, LV 4 

Fearless (Immune to morale checks). Deathtouch (WIS Spell, DC 12. 2d4 damage to one creature within close.) Bog Boil (WIS DC 12, 5 rounds, Far. Turn Near sized cube of ground into muddy, boiling quicksand. Victim must save DEX vs Spellcasting or be stuck). 

The one senior has a special jewel that can be used to summon a pair of twin horned devils. DC15 to actually control them once summoned, though. 

Horned Devil Twins

AC 16, HP 35, ATK 2 burning trident (near) +7 (2d6) or 1 fire blast (far) +4 (2d8), MV double near (fly), S +5, D +2, C +4, I +2, W +1, Ch +2, AL C, LV 7 

Iron Hide (half damage from non-magical weapons)

They are cocky and think the salamanders are on the run. They will be extremely aggressive, convinced their dark gods will save them [no morale check doesn't mean no brains, but they will definitely push past normal amounts of damage]

If not stopped, they will returned in 3+1d6 days with reinforcements and magical companions. 


Grusk, Tom, Inar, and Rance have joined six of the surviving salamanders in the vestibule. Grusk and Hucleo are rapidly talking strategy. 

Tom has relocked the door "in an obvious way" [1] that will helpfully pull some of the cultist here. Grusk and several salamanders are going to take position around the pillars and frame and try to catch as many by surprise as they can. Tom and Rance will take the roof and fire at them at the same time, backed up by two more salamanders. Inar is going to stay downstairs but hold back slightly for support and walks around casting bless upon the party. [2]

Tom and Rance nod and run up with one of the salamanders to join the one on the rough keeping watch. The cultists have found the laboratory and have being circling it. So far, the watchman has stayed out of sight. [3]

Downstairs... the main body of the cultists, lead by one of the seniors find the door and a low chuckling can be heard as they note the shoddy lock job. It takes them a couple of goes but they smash the door in [the sound of which carrying further than they realize as Uuld Alloces becomes aware that something is going down at the lab]. They enter in the room, which is dim by comparison, and start spreading out. Eight of the cultists are here with four more holding guard by the door and keeping watch. 

"Wait, behind the pillars, that's..." 

"Ullknla KLet," shouts the senior cultist as he casts bog boil on the pillar his subordinate is pointing towards. The floor turns into a sticky, tarry mess and the salamander starts sinking down into it. [4]

The other seven cultists in the room whip out their swords and begin taking up spots around the rubbish of the room (avoiding the bubbling floor). Two charge around a pillar and find Hucleo. Both slash him before can respond but one's robes start catching fire. He turns and jabs that one while Grusk runs up and chops the other one down. One of the younger salamanders desperately starts pulling his friend up and the two are able to get out of the muck (just) as the far starts hardening and the fuelstone rebuilds itself into shape. Other salamanders charge straight into the cultists. Some of the wild jabs are pure misses but soon enough another cultist is dead. The ones outside start pouring into the room. That is, except for one, the other senior, who pulls forth a strange gem and chanting. [5]

The battle continues to go the way of the salamanders and Grusk. Grusk and Hucleo take down the senior cultist as his spell fizzles out. Another cultist is brought down by a salamander and the damage being dealt is entirely one sided. One of the injured cultists still standing starts screaming as flames wrap over his body. 

But then, a loud hiss is heard and the smell of burning flesh erupts in the room. Towering over everyone, even Grusk, two horned devils suddenly unfold into reality as the other senior cultists tries desperately to maintain control...and fails. The binding ruby shatters and the horned devils decide to have a bit of fun with everyone around. [6]

The cultists, seeing this, and hearing their companion shout a warning, start making for the door to get out. About half do before the senior cultist slams the door shut and start wedging rocks inside. The remaining three are trapped in the room between a lot of things that want to kill them. 

The salamanders, seeing a new threat, charge the devils. Hucleo's axe barely grazes the skin of the first one but the other salamanders trust their leader and join in. The devil's skin resists most of the damage but the salamanders are fighting for their lives and go all in. The devil, in turn, starts bringing its dark sword to bear on its reptilian assailants. Inar runs to get Rance upstairs (though his halfling legs struggle). [7] 

[Doug's Note: After this point, there battle gets a lot more complicated to transcribe so the rest of the battle mechanics was rolled up in the mechanical notes (see notes 8-13, so six more rounds) but I will just write the sort of overall flow, here, with a few quick "game master caveats" (not tweaks to the mechanics, just tweaks to order and exact intensity) to try and keep it sensible in story form...]

The cultists, hoping the devils will see them as allies, join in to fight the enraged salamanders but fail to get any hits in. As this charge is happening, one of the devils brings a sword down into the back and slays another of the salamanders. Grusk, Hucleo, and the rest continue to land fights but it is clear the devils are a major threat. Suddenly, though, one of the devils turns on the cultists, enjoying the chance to slaughter easier prey. 

The first devil falls as the salamanders get their revenge. Sulphurous smoke erupts as the otherworldly being "sinks" into the floor. The two remaining cultists are desperately trying to defend against the other and one gets exploded into flame by a fiery blast and then starts making for the door as the salamanders leap after it and hack at it a bit. They wound, but do not kill it, as it smashes through the lab doors and flies up and away, seeking a place where it can summon more of its brethren. One of the younger salamanders kills the last cultist and they looking around and dripping blood and chaos. Upstairs, they can hear shouts...

While this was going on downstairs, upstairs the battle was calmer to start. Rance, Tom, and the other two salamanders were keeping watch on the roof. As soon as the group of cultists started pulling back after losing control of the devils, Rance once more pulled out his wand of web and slung magical webbing into their midst. It was not his strongest casting and some start breaking free but Tom and the salamanders kill most. Only the last remaining senior cultist gets free and makes for the woods. Tom rolls off the roof and lands deftly and gives chase. Inar, out of breath, makes it out and tells Rance about the devil downstairs. Rance is on his way down when the escaping devil flies up and sees what it thinks is easier prey on the roof. It lets out another fireblast, not understanding the salamanders are unaffected, and is a bit surprised to see his powerful attack do nothing. 

Arrows fly up, joined by magic missiles, as the three on the roof fight against this new foe. Right as the devil learns of its mistake, and goes to fly off but another magic missile and lucky shot from one of the iron long bows finish it and like the other, it drains into smoke as it falls to the ground. Grusk, having run much faster than Inar is able, bursts into the roof and finds the battle is done. 

Tom, in the forest, keeps shooting flaming after the now fleeing cultist. The senior cultist is trying to get enough distance that he can summon some sort of backup and lead a second charge, but Tom is pushing himself to catch up. Right as the cultist is leaping over of a small gap Tom leaps higher, bringing down his dagger and killing the man. The goblin then starts the process of dragging the body back to the lab to join the pile of other corpses.

[Doug's Note: that ends the battle notes, mechanical notes will now appear more inline to their proper place, again.]

Unknown to all, a strange figure that at a glance appears to be an old man with bronze skin and red mustache (dressed in a variety of bright colors) floats up in the haze above and watches (see note 12). After the battle is done this character floats down and lands near the exhausted adventurers and salamanders. The salamanders are immediately terrified upon seeing the figure approach, but still pull their weapons to bear, fearing a fight. Grusk, who has gone back downstairs with Rance, pulls out Bloodlust and prepares to enter another battle. To everyone's surprise, the "old man" laughs and waves his hand, gesturing for them to put their weapons down. [14]

"I was hasty before, and I apologize. You fight with honor. All of you." The old man talks with a friendly voice that carries in an odd way so that it can be heard Barthic and reptilian at the same time (with the hint of something older, more threatening slightly beyond hearing). "I was going to ask what you were doing here and I realized, like most of us, you are surviving. You are working as one. Accepting losses but clutching victory through perseverance. I miss those days. It has been long and boring. Long and boring, indeed."

The salamanders and Grusk put their weapons away and over a few minutes Rance explains the reason they are here and the old man nods. Hucleo apologizes for his group attacking the old man and the stranger smiles. A smile that seems to have teeth far too large for his face. 

"Ah, well...look, let us bend the rules a little. Tell me you would like your friends back so they can apologize as well." 

Grusk repeats these words and the room shimmers for a moment, the old man briefly replaced by a shape far older and more dangerous, a towering form of red skin and horns and fire that even the devils would have feared, and when the room settles back into the shape, three more salamanders are in the room. These were the three that Uuld struck down a few days ago. [15]

"I will not make up for all mistakes. Just my own. I see you have lost many on your way here. Remember this. Still, you were no threat to me and I should have probably tried making friends, like these fellows serving House Grunkheart. Go back to your people. Those seeking to pull the old devil up will no doubt be riled and your people need warning." 

Hucleo turns to the four adventurers and thanks them again. Promises to inform the salamander tribe of the four heroes, and leaves before the efreet changes his mind, taking away the bodies of the two most recent dead. They leave behind an iron band and tell Grusk to wear it while passing through salamander territory. 

Once gone, Uuld turns to the heroes and makes a lifting motion against the turban and from seemingly nowhere a brass crown comes off his head. "Years ago, Jonias did me a favor and accepted me as a friend. I have missed him these years. I will not be imprisoned again but I give you this, my relic of imprisonment. If you need it, wear me, and say aloud what it is you need. If I can, and if I choose to, I will find you."

"Can you help us with the workshop?"

"No. I can only show you were things are, but like Jonias you must explore to find and understand. He kept searching for shortcuts when the long way around is the only answer."

And with that cryptic answer, the ancient being turns into shades of light and is gone. 


On Uuld Alloces

In the early days after the First Cataclysm, before the Ancient Empire, before the time of the High Techno-Priests, a mid-level magician whose name is lost to everyone (including to Uuld) used a brass crown to imprison a efreet to harness the power of wish magic. This young efreet, Uuld Alloces, was trapped for centuries and passed down along family lines. Elizin Urnlight, before her travels to the Everburning Forest, found this crown in a raid against a group of hedge mages trying to sow chaos in the Ancient Empire. 

She had it upon her, not knowing its full significance, when she founded the first networks to harness Light. First as a botanical experiment, later as a whole new power source. As she built up her laboratory, she left the crown in place: thinking it it a strange battery of old energy. 

Nearly two thousand years later, Jonias Grunkheart found this crown in the utter ruins of Urnlight's lab. Accidentally summoning forth Uuld, Jonias was asked for his wish. In the moment, Jonias was flustered by the struggle to bring about the Lighthouse. He was working to try and save an empire from collapse and petty house politics were beginning to interfere. Rather than wish for power, or for control, or for the secrets, he wished for Uuld to be free of the crown. "At least one of us be should be free of unworthy entrapments."

Uuld, confused to be free after so many years trapped in the crown, gave Jonias seven days to reconsider. At that point, the wish could be asked again. In that time, Uuld took on the appearance of a young, rakish man from the southern regions based on a memory of Jonias's youth spent living it up across the desert. For the week, they worked together (along with several loyal Grunkheart retainers) to rebuild and dig out portions of the lab and to start construction of a new one on top of the ruins. 

On the seventh day, Uuld asked what wish Jonias wanted and Jonias replied, "No more wishes. This has to be done the long way around." 

For years, Uuld Alloces acted as a friend and advisor to Jonias and the other workers. The first lab was built in between months of in-fighting. Finally, Jonias had the support of just four other houses but the Lighthouse was lit. Preparation was made to start building the network to protect those above, but more fighting took place. The Five Families began to loose control of Grunce. It ended up being months and then years between Jonias's visits to the forest, but he had started to conceive of a new aspect to the technology. As Jonias spent more and more time reading ancient texts, he became increasingly capable of working miracles. Especially when there was so much energy as what was found in Everburning Forest. 

The Clasping Hand Shrines were made to greatly increase the energy in the valley, undoing some of Urnlight's work but also making all fuelstone technology work better. 

Jonias, eventually, as an old man had completed and improved lab and opened up a portal inside it. Uuld discussed traveling to protect his friend but Jonias laughed it off and said he was not fool enough to travel inside. However, it was only a few weeks later when Jonias returned to the forest. Uuld, sensing him, traveled to the lab to ask what was going on but found Jonias gone, the portal activated but mostly dormant. On the floor in front of it was that original crown with a note. 

"It is yours. It always was. Take care of my valley."

Uuld Alloces does not truly age in any time scale that would make sense to most mortals but over time found himself adopting and older and older appearance, adding in elements of Jonias's own older face into the mixture. He watched the valley, rarely showing off his true form (which had grown large and fierce even by efreeti standards). Until the resurrecting of the three salamanders, he had never used a wish, again. "The long-way around," was Jonias's motto and Uuld took it too heart. 


This is the kind of fight that I really should have had some index cards and a handful of tokens to track. I am pretty sure I added/subtracted a couple of cultists and salamanders depending on the scene. It all works out, though. Hit the vibe I wanted. 

Strangely "less" lethal than the smaller gnoll fight just because of the nature of the rolls. When it is usually the four heroes taking the hits and Rance keeps getting to be the target, it goes south. Having a stack of allies shows how much I have been slacking on the hiring of retainers but that's ok. This is the kind of story I like...the heroes finding temporary companions and fighting a losing battle to turn to the tide. A few unlucky hits early on could have pushed the fight in any number of directions (which seemed likely considering Hucleo was less than half health before he could even act). I was going to do my best to try and keep them out of the basement (which is the "older lab") but was willing to roll with it. Instead, it just turned into a damage race and that's ok. 

I like the salamanders and I like Uuld Alloces and chances are we will barely see much of either. Hucleo and Uuld will make cameos but like Cal himself will fall back a bit out of the way. 

I had this idea of Uuld Alloces [whose name is a reference to Romancing Saga 3] as a somewhat reformed ifrit for a minute. One who had grown in power considerably over time but was restrained not by some magical relic but by a legendary hero. It's an old trope, right, that heroes gather heroes and reformed villains around them? This, and the backstory of most of the other four great houses, is me playing at it. Now it's Cal doing the same. This is essentially Cal's story but we are seeing it through four heroes who have signed up to help. As for the appearance of Uuld, I just saw him (due in part to the standard ifrit/djinn stereotype) as a kindly old Turkish man but one whose eyes are a little too red, teeth are a little sharp, and his fingers have claws a bit too obvious. The idea that he basically matched the age he last saw Jonias was me being saccharine. 

Next time, will wrap up the exploration of the upper rooms and will start into the old lab. This might be one or two more sessions and depending on how it goes we will finally, after three to four months, get back to the Monolith. All this because I triggered a "boss monster" and didn't want to just have another undead or simple fight. Along the way, though, we have figured out the location of Jonias's "realm", learned more about the Bleak, worked out a decent enough layout for the world (at least near Grunce), and gotten to know the characters a lot better. They even made friends with gargoyles and salamanders (and Uuld). It's been a good three months, in other words. 


  1. Tom got an 18+3 so DC21 to realize it's a "trap". 
  2. Look, Bless is cheap but so it goes. Luck points are full again.
  3. 15 to hide vs 10 to spot.
  4. The cultists got lucky on the spot. Senior cultist got bog boil off with a DC18 to break. Does the fuelstone floor interfere with the spell? 10 --> Twist. 61 Gather 07 Burden. In 3 rounds, the floor will heal itself, unfortunately trapping the victim inside. 
  5. Cultists win initiative (then Grusk, then Salamanders). 5 of the 7 hold back until they see their target. 2 charge (both chose Hucleo's pillar by chance) and succeed on their attacks for 12 total damage. One takes 6 damage in return from the heat aura but resists. Grusk goes after the one not currently blistering and takes him out in a single blow. One of the salamanders helps the friend sinking in the muck. On advantage, that one is removed (nat 20). The floor is already starting to harden. Hucleo presses against the other one that hit him and gets a stab in for 6 [and killing him]. The remaining three salamanders charge three random cultists. 1 gets 1 point of damage. 2 misses entirely. 3 kills another cultist. There are now 5 cultists in the room and 4 outside (who will join, with a *friend*). 
  6. Grusk/Inar wins initiative. Grusk goes after the senior cultist. Hits for a five points of damage. Inar heals up 7 of the damage that Hucleo took. Hucleo joins Grusk at chopping away at the senior cultist and the spellcaster goes down. 1 does another 4 points of damage to his opponent. 2 manages to kill his opponent. 3 misses his new target. 4 misses. 5 gets 5 points of damage. This leaves 1 senior and 6 "juniors" (A - F for simplicity). A & F go for 1. Both miss. B for 2: Hits for 4. C for 3: misses. D for 4: hits for 3. E for 5: misses. At this point, the other senior cultist summons up the 2 horned demons and immediately (only an 8 vs DC 15) loses control. The horned demons will kill indiscriminately. A collapses from the heat aura. F takes 2 points of damage. C - E all make saves. 
  7. DC 12 for the cultists to get out. Only two do. The senior shuts the door and will try to trap the others inside. Hucleo gets one hit for 1 point of damage (halved). 1 gets 2 points of damage. 2 gets 3. 3 gets 3. 4 gets 1. 5 misses. That's 10 points out of 35 on devil alpha. The first demon gets in one hit for 2. The second gets in two hits for 7. Grusk complete whiffs (losing a luck point on the way). Inar starts running upstairs to get Rance. 
  8. Devils go first. The one not surrounded by salamanders starts going for the cultists but misses. The one going for the salamanders manages to finally kill a second one. The cultists, completely unsure which side to take, go after the salamanders (all miss). Grusk does 7 points of damage (17 total). Inar is only about half the way there and running the best he can. Hucleo does another point of damage. 2 does 1. 3 misses. 4 does 4. 5 misses. (23 total) Are the cultists outside visible to the folks on the roof? 3 --> No, but they will back up next round. Another cultist catches on fire from the heat and drops. Grusk continues to resist. 
  9. Salamanders go first. Hucleo does 2 (woot). 2 does 3. 4 misses. 5 crits AND fumbles doing 5 points of damage but getting his spear stuck in the devil's ribcage. Grusk gets another 5 points of damage which "kills" the first devil who erupts in smoke. The remaining devil singes one cultist and slaughters another. Both cultists turn on the devil and get 8 total magic damage against. Inar will be at the roof next turn. Rance slings down a web spell on the cultists backing up, trapping them (DC 14). Tom ignites his bow and takes a shot kills another cultist. The two salamanders shoot down another. 
  10. Salamanders again go first. Hucleo does 4. 2 does 3. 3 misses. 4 does 2. 5 gets a crit to get his spear back (win some, lose some, win some). The devil lets out a fire blast that destroys another cultist and turns to start flapping its wings towards the door. The last remaining cultist leaps upon it casts deadly touch again (for 3 points of damage). Grusk gets 6 damage. Outside, the trapped but attempting to escape cultists are all struck down except the senior who manages to pull free and start going for the woods. Inar actually shows up, winded, shouting about a devil. Rance will start running downstairs.
  11. Devil goes first. Gets a 12+2 flight. Requires DC14 to hit it before it gets out the door in one turn. The cultist is thrown to the floor. Grusk is unable to catch up. Hucleo is unable. 2 gets it for 4 points of damage. 3 and 4 miss but 5 gets in another 4. The devil flies outside. Outside, the others get 6 (out of 16) against the senior cultist before he disappears behind the trees. They then see the devil fly up. Is the devil simply trying to be free? 1 --> No. It wants to summon other devils to help. Rance does catch this and turns around to join in to help. Shouts for Tom to go after the cultist. Tom leaps from the roof and starts running after the cultist (13 on a DC12 check to avoid fall damage). 
  12. Salamanders go next. They dispatch the cultist. Do they hear shouts that one is escaping?, very much so yes. Grusk is going to run upstairs to join that battle. The salamanders, including Hucleo, are going to chase after the cultist. Tom gains ground and shoots (at disadvantage), missing. The devil is unaware of salmanader's immunity to fire and shoots off a fire bolt which does nothing but make the lizard laugh. Rance gets in 3 points of damage with a magic missile. The salamander bows do nothing. Does Uuld Alloces show up at this point in time? 11 --> Yes, but... he is there, waiting to see what happens. 
  13. Devil goes first. It goes to fly off to summon other devils. Rance gets another 4 points of magic missile damage. One of the salamanders gets 3. Ok...let's add this up. That' quote the old videos...exactly lethal. The devil falls to the earth and fades into smoke. Tom has caught up the cultist and leaps at him for a backstab. With another luck point (one remaining) spent, this does... 12 points of damage, killing him. 
  14. Does Uuld approach? 12 --> Yes. Are the salmanders terrified of the efreet? (Advantage) 19 --> Very yes but they are willing to fight. Grusk gets a 5 on a WIS check and does not sense the danger. However, in a turn of events...Uuld Alloces gets a 12 on a reaction check. He is in the mood to be very friendly. He perhaps senses that the young salamanders aren't that bad and that the adventurers are here to do good. Seeing them fight tooth and nail to protect the lab from devils and cultists probably helped. 
  15. With a slight social compel, Uuld got Hucleo to used a wish. 

== CREDITS == 

This campaign is played primarily using Shadowdark and SoloDark, both by Arcane Library and Kelsey Dionne (et al).

Additional sources include a variety of things for tables, especially Knave 2nd Edition and Maze Rats (both by Ben Milton), Random Realities by Cezar Capacle, Universal NPC Emulator by Zach Best, and various pieces from Worlds without Number and Scarlet Heroes (both by Kevin Crawford).

Opening art at the top of the post is "borrowed art" meant to be invocative rather than precise to illustrating the story. Image tools to generate some of the art is GIMP and Hex Kit (featuring the Lil Hex Pack and Strange BW Hex Pack). 

Photo is "brown concrete building under blue sky during daytime" by Billy Freeman on Unsplash. Modifications by me. 
The map is from Dyson Logos's "Temple of the Worm" series. There will be some slight modification on the lower levels because those go on longer than I need (so a few passage-ways edited out in some way or just ignored). As usual, I just sort of take each room as I see it so some of the drawn elements will not necessarily match my description.

The pictured used to show a young Uuld Alloces is "Charles Lenox Cumming-Bruce in Turkish Dress" by Andrew Geddes. 


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