The GLOW 1996: Psychic Eustace Delmont, Episode 5 - Terminal Issues


Front door to a night cafe, a few people just visible inside.


Previously, on The GLOW: 1996 Psychic Eustace Delmont

Eustace and Hitomi have gotten the guns intended for The Knives of the Fallen Star (while possibly kicking of a ServiSynth rebellion by accident). Now they need to meet up with one employer to betray another. Eustace must comes to terms what what stance he will take. Will he uphold Soulburn at the cost of his own future?

About The GLOW: 1996 Psychic Eustace Delmont

Eustace Delmont is a psychic on the cusp of "graduating" into a full-blow Field Psychic. He requests his right to Walk, a brief period of freedom to encourage psychics to see the other side of The GLOW. He tries to finish his long-time partner Jani Blum's final unfinished mission: to find a mini-disc and crack open the Patel crime family. He meets Hitomi Meyer, a criminal hacker. The two are now on the run between a powerful crime family and an even more powerful adversary: The Order and its plans for Eustace.

Content Warning: Occasionally very foul language, lots of smoking, quite intense violence, drinking, gambling, non-graphic sex, drugs, criminal behavior, and black magic. The GLOW is a world of spiritual torture and weird horror.

This post is in the standard Doug Alone post style. See Anatomy of a Post for more details.

Attribution for the tools and materials used—including the splash art—can be found in the Credits below along with some details.

Experiences! And other paperwork...

Ended the last one right as the action died down (as I am wont to do). This leaves a bit of a need to work out a few post-shot details

GRIT: Eustace will be healed up. I'll build this into context but generally at the end of the Shot, or when they get a break, it resets. Grit is meant to be very fluid, something I will build up more in this shot [which will be about 2-3 sessions across a couple of posts].

EXPERIENCES: To deal with the more rapid-fire nature of the game, there is a soft-...well, experience system baked in. Characters get experience to represent things like achievements, scars, and relationships developed over the story. On page 192, it words it like... "When you face a challenge that leaves a mark, when you survive a desperate encounter, when you take part in a memorable exchange, or when you make an upsetting discovery, the Director can ask you to note down the Experience on your Hero Sheet." It then says to check in per Shot to see anything sticks out. There's no hard-and-fast rule to what does or doesn't get in, it just helps to slightly accelerate the bigger-than-life action.

I'd like to go ahead and add at least two. For Hitomi:

  • Achievement: Learned how to bond with ServiSynths.

While for Eustace:

  • Achievement: Can use obfuscation.

There are other possibilities. We know Hitomi has suffered a fairly major betrayal — Dave Akari — that has changed her outlook and that she prefers payment but has done a lot of favors for folk while several older people have partially adopted her — Juan Uno, Mrs. Yuuki Jones. For Eustace, I am playing it like most surface level thoughts and identities — stuff without danger attached — are automatic for him to read and he is inadvertently reshaping psychic threads. In all these cases, I am just building into the story for now. As it becomes more pronounced, we'll see.

Besides that, we'll clear the Condition from Eustace and both of them get 2 Adrenaline for the last (couple of) session(s).

The GLOW: 1996 Psychic Eustace Delmont. Episode 5 - Terminal Issues

Setting the Scene. Haggling and New Opponent.

Date: Saturday, June 1, 1996.
Time: 1:07am.
Place: Front room of Julian's Cafe.

Expected Scene: Eustace and Hitomi plan for the next half of the job...
Scene Test: [c102] 3. 2d10 = 3 + 10. Minor twist: Someone jockeys for your job.
Actual Scene: While Eustace and Hitomi are patching up, someone jumps in to try and snag the job from them.

Since this other person is a good candidate for friend or foe once we move out of the more prologue bits, let's make a person. "Guns for Hire." 10 Jinjuro Yusuda. 58 ex-Saudi GID, thermoptic camo, synthetic endorphin addict [for synthetic endorphin read the sort of stuff Fractal Apocalypse does]. Weapon is 36 Sleek Microwavers. 69 Henpecked, wears camos, buzz cut, rational. Absolutely plenty.

Also, just to establish. Where is the Knives' base? 14, 9. Between Elsanor and Seminole. Around the Baldwin State Forest area. Or what used to be a State Forest. Now a community of hydroponic farms and high tech farmer's markets.

Haggling and New Opponent.

Date: Saturday, June 1, 1996.
Time: 1:07am.
Place: Front room of Julian's Cafe.

Hitomi does her best to ignore Myranda. Myranda Wayne. 2 meters tall. Thin. Busty in the way that defines busty. Often poured into tight dresses that show off a lot of sun-kissed skin. The frequent hostess for after-hours Juan's Cafe, when it takes on its other face: a hub of various GLOW jobbers and their many clients. When the plants in the courtyard are lit by special pulsing LED lights to make it hard to see through them, and soft music carries with it multiple jamming frequencies. Myranda assigns seats and keeps the peace with both carrot and stick. She's also the resident medic for the very many post-job touch-ups such a locale might need.

Right now, she is bent over Eustace and applying bandages to his chest and arms. She is well known for her quick, effective treatments. She has is taking her time. Tracing out the muscles and sigils that cover Eustace's back and chest.

Based on the smirk on Juan's face, this is possibly a tactic. Either it goads Hitomi into dropping the ball or Myranda and Eustace end up in some backroom working out a payment plan in Juan's favor. Or both.

Hitomi takes a long drag on her cigarette and reminds herself that Eustace is a big boy. She just reserves the right to shoot him.

The other distraction is Jinjuro "Genny" Yusuda. Originally from Tokyo. Did mercenary work in the middle east until he made a big enough name for himself to become a regular guardsman. Married local. Then defected to the US. Then defected to The GLOW. Rumor was he was a plant. Only he made friends with Juan and now seems to be a regular. A potential spy within a spy within a spy. His wife is cute as hell, though ferocious. He is sitting on the other side of the table next to Juan. Filling in some guard dog duty as well as looking for a bone.

Hitomi has spent the last two hours disabling several firearms so that they will past a quick inspection but will jam up pretty hard after a few seconds of shooting. Along with stripping a good amount of ammo of workable powder. She's exhausted and having to deal with a double dose of dumbfuckery. [1]

"She's a kid. He's already gotten sliced up. Juan, come on," Genny argues. He puffs on his cigar and makes it sound like he is just being rational and not trying to snag a job that Eustace and Hitomi for which Eustace and Hitomi have already done a lot of work. His hair is cut short. He's in old fatigues. He looks like the old soldier he is. You want to trust his judgement. But they are talking actual money.

Juan, for his part, is flipping through the log books Hitomi stole. Now that MUNI is wrapping up Ouroboros's lair after the ServiSynth slaughter, the value on its details has no doubt plummeted. Still, Hitomi is tired of being on the owing end.

Surprisingly, Eustace speaks first. "He's right. Well, half-right. If we drop off the guns and then get spotted blowing up the Knive's base, that gets tracked back to Juan. We just spent time stopping Juan from being a target. Chances are it would be best to bring in a third party on this. Split the cash three ways." Points to himself, Hitomi, and Genny. [2]

Genny seems aware the power dynamic is shifting but Eustace is making a good point. The fact that they could walk right now and not cut him in on any is obvious. He nods. "I make contact with the Knives, give them the guns that Hitomi has prepared. Two hours later, you hit up their south base and start the rabbit run."

Hitomi catches Myranda's finger nail trace a line near Eustace's neck and slams her own hand down. "Hey, speaking of pay, what about us for taking a dangerous threat off your back, Uno?"

Juan nods to Myranda who goes behind the counter and comes back with two fully charged blue Creds. Slides them to Hitomi. A thank you.

"Thanks," Hitomi says. Juan shrugs. "It is easy to get taken advantage of in this place. You went after me without even asking. I am grateful. For now, though, rest up, little ones. Tomorrow...well, going to be a long one."

With that he stands and makes his leave. Genny stands up and looks like he might be about to salute Eustace but settles for handshake and a nod towards Hitomi. This just leaves the three.

"Speaking of sleeping arrangements...," hints Myranda.

"True," says Eustace, "Can you call us a cab? This Nurse needs a sponge bath and," playfully kicking at Hitomi, "I think someone owes me for getting stabbed."

Hitomi does her absolute best to not flip off Myranda on the way out the door. It's best to be a joyous victor.

Setting the Scene. Bee Held Hostage.

Date: Saturday, June 1, 1996.
Time: 8:03am.
Place: Motel Room at Rest+ Motel.

Expected Scene: Hitomi wakes up a lone, and Genny knocks.
Scene Test: [c102] 6. [c110] 2d10 = 8 + 8. Major complication. Situation: Dependent in Danger. [c97] Shopping Cart. Were they targeting Hitomi? (Even) → [c26] No?
Actual Scene: Hitomi is woken up by a phone call from Bee. Mrs. Yuuki's store is being held up. Possibly just a random attack.

Since they are probably not targeting Hitomi, this is going to be a random gang from the Century area. They have hit up the store and currently holding hostages, including Bee. Bee gets a call off but won't have time to share much details. MUNI presence there is low but soon enough it will be lit up by cops who will likely complicate it.

32 Terminal 04 Assasins. Bit on the nose, but ok. 90 Tech Savvy 24 Skill Chipping 49 Street Fighters. 22 Leader hires out her most neurologically damaged boys as muscle. It's a test rum. A show off. Here are some people with fried out chips that might be worth picking up on the cheap.

Also, since I said the next major twist would bring in the Psychics...they will also be there. Watching.

Bee Held Hostage.

Date: Saturday, June 1, 1996.
Time: 1:07am.
Place: Front room of Julian's Cafe.

Hitomi wakes up nude and alone in bed. The smell of Eustace on her skin. Also, a few streaks of his blood. He really needs to take a bit of time take care of himself. She pulls herself out of bed, barely rested, and notices Libby has a flashing light. "Libby, play message," Hitomi commands as she walks naked to the sink and fills up the coffee spot. She lights up her first smoke of the day as Eustace's voice plays through the techno-dog's speakers.

"Gone to get clothes. Be back very shortly. Have the bike."

"Typical," she says. To herself. To Libby. To the universe. She starts doing some stretches and working up to a full routine when her scrying glass lets out a light noise largely heard in her own head. She picks it up. "Hello..."

"Mochi. Thank god. Help."


They have shot Mrs. Yuuki's guard. A few other street punks, too. Taunting the other folks. I'm hiding in the freezer section. It's...cold."


"Don't know. Weird people. All in black. Yellow patch that has three-eyed smiley, they...oh shit, they are coming. I got to go. Help!"

Three-eyed smiley means Terminal Assassins. Techno-utopia cult that believes the future is augmenting the human brain. Plug and play personalities, skills, emotions. The Assassin part comes from its habit of making money by selling off the people that failed to resonate with the implants to do bad things. Literally "terminal assassins." Greatly enhanced skills until their brain burns out. An attack on a civilian store is most likely a sales pitch. Fire sale. Extra stock of mind melted murderers. Last time it happened they killed everyone they could until a fight with MUNI broke out and a score of officers went down. Likely chance of MUNI actually trying to help anyone is low if not nil. Everyone in that grocery store is dead. Will be, soon.

Hitomi shoves clothes on at speed and grabs her pistol and shoves it into her belt and grabs her newly acquired assault rifle. The GLOW is a whole new level of open carry but she does have the issue of convincing any cab driver not likely to shoot her and take her Creds to actually let on her own board. She thinks "EUSTACE!" really hard but has no idea what that might do. Right as she is debating just leaving the guns behind and figuring something out, there's a loud knock on the door.

She opens it with her pistol lifted and aimed and hears Genny curse. "What the fuck, Hitomi?"

"Sorry. I need a ride."

"Unless that ride you need is to the warehouse you dropped off the cache, I pass."

"Friend of mine is in danger. Terminal Assassins."

"Double pass. My neighbor does really respectful cremations. I'll give you his address."

"Look, goddamnit. They are just 18. They are nice and stupid."

"In The GLOW? 18 is old for someone making that many mistakes."

"You can have my share."

Genny stares at this. Jobbers don't give up cash. Ever. "Just a ride, I don't get involved."

She is pushing past him on the way to his truck, then runs back in and leaves a message for Eustace.

Setting the Scene. Nurse { Gives | Gets } Chase(d).

Can Eustace pick up enough of the psychic threads to feel Hitomi leaving the area at speed? (Bad) → [c47] Yes? He can, but it will take a roll to get any specific detail.

Date: Saturday, June 1, 1996.
Time: 8:21am.
Place: Racing north after Hitomi...

Expected Scene: Eustace is on the road trying to follow after Hitomi.
Scene Test: [c101] 7. [c110] 2d10 = 1 + 9. Minor complication. A challenge to your reputation.
Actual Scene: Eustace is en route but a group of minor street punks stupidly decide to give him guff.

These guys will mostly just be cannon fodder. It just gives us a fun excuse to have a chase sequence. We'll only clock it at {6 | 9} since it's kind of just to delay him getting there. Some practice with the mechanics. Need: Eustace needs to get away. Speed: 1.

6 if he makes the psychic read. 9 if he does not.

SCENE SOUNDTRACK: For some silly action, going to jam out loud to Creepy Nut's LEGION for this one.

A man on a bike stops in the road like a challenge.

Nurse { Gives | Gets } Chase(d).

Date: Saturday, June 1, 1996.
Time: 8:21am.
Place: Racing north after Hitomi...

Eustace is on his way back to the motel when he can feel the various emerald threads stretch and change and start pulling away from him. At speed. He reached out with his mind and wraps one of the threads around the bike and starts moving in that direction as fast as possible. There is no doubt in his mind that she might be running to trouble and need help. [3]

He is heading back north feeling the roads around him and instinctively finding the less traffic congested routes. On a road practically ignored by the past decades of rapid, unstructured progress he is able to pick up a bit of speed. Which means he has to slam on his brakes when he sees a man in the road, blocking the access. Three bikes behind him block any sort of retreat, not that he has intention of retreating. Thing is, he doesn't really sense any sort of actual hostilities. Even with one behind him pulling out a gun and pointing it in his direction.

"Ah, just idiots..."

The gunner does his best to look threatening as he points to tell Eustace to turn around. The helmeted rider in front is moving the bike back into the road direction and revving the motor. Looking for a race. Do they want a race? Is this recruitment? Eustace can feel the emerald thread pulling tighter. He wonders if he should point out to them that he is not actually a bike rider. This bike is probably capable of decent speed but Eustace is more apt to run very near the actual speed limit. Can't bring himself to threaten four street punks that pose no threat to him.

Ah well, they can figure it out. He kicks the bike back into gear and once again lets the emerald line start pulling his bike forward. Within a half second of getting up even with the seeming leader, Eustace revs forward and puts himself in the lead. The leader quickly catches up swings around to the right. One of the other three tries to squeeze into Eustace's space and so Eustace, almost gently, places a large foot on the interloper's bike and shoves hard. The kid swerves off to the left and flips over a fruit stand while a farmer screams at him, her face looking like she enjoys taking dumb boys down a notch. [4]

The gun waving dumbass takes this as a clue that he needs to try and cock Eustace up the side of the head. Teach Eustace to not have a helmet. Though in Eustace's defense, he didn't have a bike all that long ago. The gun butt hurts but he pulls his head back enough to stop it from cracking his skull too hard. [5]

The emerald thread starts vibrating to a strange beat. Hitomi is definitely stressed. He doesn't have time to keep playing so he reaches into his Psychic core and will his sigils along his back and arm to start grabbing the skills to race more effectively from the very men challenging him. He reaches down into the bike with his mind and begins pulling wires and tweaking gears. His eyes glow green and the Soulburn pouring into him builds up enough that it is clearly visible to even the racers who begin to pull back to give him space. As the Soulburn stretches back like great vibrant crow's wings, Eustace's bike reshapes into something new. He accelerates much faster than the others can keep up. [6]

He waves back at the bikers to show no hard feelings and with a quick glance back sees the leader lift a fist in the air, joined by the other two still in the race. Whatever they had in mind, they are impressed and letting Eustace know.

NOTE: The "Crow Form" of Eustace is a first glimpse of his higher level of power. Rather than an "experience" he is going to get a Bike with a starting speed of 2. He has reshaped the mechanical workings of the bike. I also think he has made friends who might show up again later.

Setting the Scene. Head First.

Date: Saturday, June 1, 1996.
Time: 8:39am.
Place: Near Mrs. Yuuki's Grocery Store.

Expected Scene: Hitomi (and maybe Genny) have to find a way into the store.
Scene Test: [c35] 4. 2d10 = 3 + 5. Them minor twists are wracking up. In this case, I think the obvious thing is the MUNI are {more | less} planning to tussle = More. They are changing their plans and are getting ready to storm the store.
Actual Scene: Hitomi shows up right as the MUNI are planning to hit the store with an EMP.

Is Genny going to stick around for this? (Even) → [c45] Yes? He's not going to run off right away but it depends on how invested he gets.

Is there a sewer entrance to the store? (GOOD) → [c66] NO! Man. Ok, this means Hitomi will have to rush the back and go in shooting.

The outside of a grocery store, with apologies to Foodlands everywhere

Head First.

Date: Saturday, June 1, 1996.
Time: 8:39am.
Place: Near Mrs. Yuuki's Grocery Store.

"I don't suppose you are up for ramming your truck into the back do...ok, it was just a question!"

Hitomi has graduated from chain smoking to chewing her hair. Somewhere in the Foodland in front of her, Bee and possible Mrs. Yuuki Jones are hiding out. An unknown number of Terminal Assassins are inside. An unknown number of dead. And the MUNI have seemed to take their previous losses against the Assassins personally. They are preparing some large scale weapon in the front parking lot. As soon as they get some command from higher ups, they are going to go in guns blazing and try to win back some respect. Municipal Police running by street gang rules.

Which means she needs to get inside and fast. The back is much less densely covered. Terminal Assassins do not escape. Walking dead men and women, their short lives are only worth anything if they survive and can take on even bigger jobs. [7]

"Let's go, we are going in through the back door. Bee said freezer section and...," Hitomi stops as Genny grabs her arm and pulls her around to look at her.

"Are you really about to face down Terminal fucking Assassins for your friend?"

"Bee is more than a friend. Mrs. Yuuki, too. They are people that saved me from a moment that nearly devoured me. Even if they don't know it. I don't know if I can do anything for Mrs. Yuuki, but I might be able to save Bee."

"Ok," he says. He pulls out his gun. No time for microwavers in this situation. "But you don't do it alone. My wife would kill me if she found out I was doing this for no money. In and out as soon as we get your friend."

Hitomi approaches the back door of Foodland and spots a couple of MUNI rookies standing way back and smoking. She waits to see if they will say anything but they just shrug and watch. After a few seconds of working with the lock, she has the door open. She holds it for a second, nods to Genny, then shoves it open fully and dives behind cover provided by a couple of crates of bottled water. Genny rolls in after her. [8]

As the door continues to open, it makes enough noise that the three Terminal Assassins who are wandering the storage area walk over to investigate. Within seconds, they are taking pot shots at the cops outside and shouts can be heard. Using the distraction, Hitomi gestures towards Genny and the two make their way across the aisle between boxes and dive down under a table used to store and sort fruit. [9]

With a laugh and a mention of "bleeding pig," one of the TAs slams the door back shut. At this point, the terminally brain-fried killers seem to realize what an open door might mean and spread out to search the area. Two more Assassins from the front of the store come back to see what the shooting is about. As the now larger number are again continuing the search, and Hitomi is holding Genny's gun hand, a very loud crash can be heard from the front of the store. Glass shatters as the entire store shakes. Based on the shouts and gunfire, the Terminal Assassins out there are occupied. Genny looks at Hitomi and mouths the word "MUNI?" but Hitomi just shrugs. She's more interested in the fact that there are only two Assassins left back here for the moment, three having run forward.

She now nods to Genny and pulls her assault rifle forward, takes a moment to aim at the legs of the one closest, and opens fire. As the first one goes down grabbing at his shins, the woman behind him starts to take aim but Hitomi pivots — along with help from Genny — to bring the second Assassin into her sights. Both are down but it takes more than that to finish off a TA. [10]

Both of the Assassins start shooting under the table as Hitomi and Genny are scurrying back from under the table to keep crossing the room, heading towards the door to the main shopping area, planning to dive towards the right where Mrs. Yuuki's freezer section is. Debris from one of the glancing bullets catches Hitomi on the side but she shrugs the pain off as best she can. [11]

Whipping back around, her and Genny unload bullets into the two TAs before the injured attackers can get up off the floor, finishing them off. Then, Hitomi pushes open the door and stops and stairs at the wreckage. At least a half-a-dozen dead shoppers are sprawled out in this back section of the store. One has been hacked up and tossed in with the meat in the butcher's counter. If there's this many back here, surely many more line the rest of the store. Up front, there is more gun fire and a loud grunt as the sound of someone slicing through meat can be heard. [12]

As she passes by an aisle for noodles, rice, and other dry goods she glances up and sees something that makes her stop.


Only, Eustace is not alone.

Setting the Scene. The Nurse Makes a House Call.

Date: Saturday, June 1, 1996.
Time: 8:41am.
Place: Near Mrs. Yuuki's Grocery Store.

Expected Scene: Eustace arrives and gets involved.
Scene Test: [c7] 6. 2d10 = 9 + 8. Major twist. I think the Fight Painful Soul from the card is perfect.
Actual Scene: Eustace shows up and loses control.

Eustace is still geared up from that previous Jackpot. We are going dumb action on this one.

Are the Psychics going to get involved? (Even) → [c20] Yes? Good enough.

A deeply rendered swirl of red and purple bubbles as if being underwater in a dark sea.

The Nurse Makes a House Call.

Date: Saturday, June 1, 1996.
Time: 8:41am.
Place: Near Mrs. Yuuki's Grocery Store.

To the very many MUNI cops, and even more spectators, the man on the red bike is worthy of notice. Because he is barely a man at this point. The ever present Soulburn — only slightly visible during the day to most people — wraps the man like a shroud. Swirling in place. A storm cloud of many colors. Then the bad thing happens. The man stops and stares at the roof of the building. After a few seconds, three figures shimmer into being, dropping whatever field they had been weaving to stop others from noticing them. Three figures wearing kitsune masks.

People shout. Some scream. A few MUNI start backing up. Three Field Psychics in one place is the equivalent of a nuclear bomb. Quite a few spectators suddenly remember they need to get to work, to go home, to be anywhere else. A few diehards start crowding closer.

Whatever mental communication the man on the bike shares with the three on the roof, it seems to be concluded. He revs his bike twice, and then launches himself like a missile towards the front doors of the grocery store. As he does, all that Soulburn spreads out once more and then comes crashing in through and around him to form a blade of light. Which strikes the glass door and windows and shatters through them, a good portion of the Soulburn dispersing like an entire murder of crows. The man leaps inside and gunfire and more shouts can be heard. The three Psychics leap down from the roof and follow through.

Many of the MUNI start packing up and prepare to leave. Whatever standoff they planned to have has been cancelled. The Scene now belongs to the Order.

Inside, the man fights like he is no longer in control of his own body. Metal blades — in reality a bioengineered extension of his own arms — shimmer and shine as they cut through flesh. Bullets strike him but several barely make it past the thinned out cloud spinning around his body. The head of one of the Terminal Assassins flies off. Another one goes down with a massive gut wound. Still, there are plenty to fight. [13]

The second round of gunfire tears into the man. He deflects some of the shots, but others are clear getting through. Blood starts dripping down his chest. [14]

The man grabs a large box of cans on the floor and smashes into the skull of another of the Assassins, before slicing heavily through two more. A fourth is kicked back into the shelves with such force that his body crumbles. [15]

A redheaded woman rolls out from a nearby kiosk and opens fire at near point blank, but as she does one of the Field Psychics makes a twitch of their hand and the woman finds herself shooting a cardboard cutout of a Motorball athlete instead. [16]

The man drags his shining blades through her torso and ends her life as a massive burst of assault rifles try to catch him off guard. He uses the momentum of dodging back to leap over the counter as the bullets tear through it. [17]

The Terminal Assassins, thinking they have finally gotten the man cornered, approach and continue firing. A moment later the the man leaps out and comes down in the middle of them, cutting them away. And then there is silence. [18]

As the glowing, swirling light pulses through the man one of the Field Psychics walks forward and makes a strange clicking noise with their tongue. The swirling light speeds up and finally disperses. And with it, the Psychics fade like smoke themselves.

As Eustace sways in the aftermath of his slaughter, Hitomi is running up to try and catch him.


February 19, 2025

It has been over a week since I've had a chance to really play this. Part of it is just embracing that Solo Burn Out which in my case is less a burn out and more a zone of not having a huge amount of personal energy to play but a decent amount of energy to vibe some back-end stuff. Hence why we get a race and a semi-exploding Eustace. It was fun to think of some story beats and not worry too much about it.

I'm calling it here just so I can immediately pivot to the Knives bit in the next one. Probably just skip pretty much all scenes between Eustace and Hitomi getting back together to the drop off of the guns. Bee survives, that's a given, the others I'll find out when I sit down and play again.

Not really a whole lot else to say. I wanted to have at least one of these "Eustace loses control" scenes and try out different difficulties of combat and such. Overall, the team tends to just thrive and survive. A LOT of Extreme successes (which I still type as Exceptional in some places) and whatnot.

DANG IT, I just realized I once again treated a Reaction Turn as a Gamble. Ah well, since it was Eustace leaping out into gunfire to fight back, I'll allow it. I need to make myself a note.


  1. Really want an Extreme for this. Even spending an adrenaline makes it so that she only got double Critical. Went ahead and spent a Spotlight. She does not get it back. With the 2x Crit + Extreme, though, we'll say the job goes super well and she has snagged an extra assault rifle AND filed off the security number. She also grabbed four mags worth of ammo in a way that would not be readily traced.
  2. Smooth + Leadership. Going for Leadership because he is basically taking control here. He gets a Critical.
  3. Focus + Awareness. Critical + Basic. Can both follow the threads (so 6 speed only) and also wraps the thread around himself to help pull himself towards it. Does not get the message.
  4. This is a test race, of sorts. Double Basic difficulty. Nerves + Drive + 1 Help from the psychic thread doing some of the driving nets Eustace a Critical + Basic. He gets to pull to Speed 2 and gets an additional action. Who doesn't love a good fruit stand smash up?
  5. Brawn + Drive. Gets Double Basic and I tried pushing it which dropped it to a single basic. He takes a single Grit. ☑☑☐☐☐☐
  6. Burned an Adrenaline to use Focus + Know. Got an Impossible success and risked it on a reroll to get a Jackpot. By the rules of the race he finishes it out right.
  7. Are MUNI even guarding the back? (GOOD) → [c73] No? A little, maybe, but just not caring all that much.
  8. Crime + Dexterity + 1 Help (Lockpicks). Crit + Basic + Basic. Enough to get in without being heard + two actions to get herself and Genny a few feet into the room.
  9. Crime + Stealth + 1 Help (the gunfight). Another Crit + Basic combo. Again, enough to get her and Genny to another spot.
  10. These two will be cannon fodder. Nerves + Shoot + 1 (Precision) + 1 (Genny). Double Critical. Their Defense is just basic so this does 6 of their 9 Grit right off.
  11. Brawn + Stunt. Only gets a Basic so takes 1 Grit.
  12. Only needs a Critical and gets it.
  13. Brawn + Fight + 1 (Blades) + 2 (Adrenaline) + 1 Help (Psychics) = Crit + 3 Basic = 2 Crit. We'll say these are spicier cannon fooder (Crit/Crit + 9). That's just two of the grit removed.
  14. Brawn + Stunt. Double Basic. 1 Grit lost.
  15. Second time around, he gets Crit + Extreme for 4 grit damage to them. That's 6 of the 9.
  16. Gets a Crit and manages to take no damage.
  17. Out of Adrenaline so only 7 dice. Crit + Double Basic. 2 Grit remain on the Terminal Assassins.
  18. Full cover so gets +3 Reaction. Has 2 snake eyes so takes 2 Grit damage BUT gets Impossible Reaction. The extra actions means he leaps from his hiding place and finishes them off.


The GLOW 1996: Psychic Eustace Delmont is played using Two Little Mouse's Outgunned and Outgunned: Action Flicks (especially, but not limited to "Neon Noir" and "Great Powers"). It uses Larcenous Designs' Gamemaster Apprentice Deck: Cyberpunk 2E as its main oracle.

Other sources used include:

  • Zach Best's Universal NPC Emulator.
  • Cesar Capacle's Random Realities
  • Kevin Crawford's Cities Without Number
  • Matt Davis' Book of Random Tables: Cyberpunk 1, 2 and 3.
  • Geist Hack Games and Paul D. Gallagher's Augmented Realities.


The front of Julian's Cafe: Photo by Brad Fickeisen on Unsplash.

This uses a slightly modified version of the Soulburn art style of this series. Thicker lines. More washed out photograph. After having two different posts [technically three] show off Julian's courtyard, I figured I needed an alternate take.

The interior of the motel room: Getty Images via Unsplash+. It's a digital mock-up for a kitschy motel room but it made me smile.

The street punk: Photo by Jusdevoyage on Unsplash

The Foodland: Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

The burned out vision of Eustace in the grip of full Soulburn Madness started out as this photo by Angus Gray on Unsplash.

Note: This is the first The GLOW post to not use any Dean Spencer artwork. Since his art style has been a big part of character development, still wanted to give him a shoutout.

Taxonomy and Technical Data

  • World: The GLOW
    • Campaign: The GLOW
      • Arc: 1996 Psychic Eustace Delmont
        • Post: Episode 5 - Terminal Issues

Dates Played: February 18 and 19, 2025.


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