The GLOW 1996: Psychic Eustace Delmont, Episode 7 - Finding Genny
- "Previously..." and Campaign/Arc Summary
- The GLOW 1996: Psychic Eustace Delmont Episode 7 - Finding Genny
- Doug's Commentary
- Mechanical and Story Notes
- Credits
- Taxonomy and Technical Data
Previously, on The GLOW: 1996 Psychic Eustace Delmont
Eustace and Hitomi have fought their way into the Knives compound after Genny was abducted. Along the way they have been pitted against drones made to look like angels, cultists with malfunctioning guns, and a pair of Patel operatives. Now they face the real potential challenge: Eustace when he cannot connect to the psychic threads. Time is short. Magnus is planning on dismantling the Arcane Order and working with the Patels, and others, to claim the GLOW for the crime families.
About The GLOW: 1996 Psychic Eustace Delmont
Eustace Delmont is a psychic on the cusp of "graduating" into a full-blow Field Psychic. He requests his right to Walk, a brief period of freedom to encourage psychics to see the other side of The GLOW. He tries to finish his long-time partner Jani Blum's final unfinished mission: to find a mini-disc and crack open the Patel crime family. He meets Hitomi Meyer, a criminal hacker. The two are now on the run between a powerful crime family and an even more powerful adversary: The Order and its plans for Eustace.
Content Warning: Occasionally very foul language, lots of smoking, quite intense violence, drinking, gambling, non-graphic sex, drugs, criminal behavior, and black magic. The GLOW is a world of spiritual torture and weird horror.
This post is in the standard Doug Alone post style. See Anatomy of a Post for more details.
Attribution for the tools and materials used—including the splash art—can be found in the Credits below along with some details.
The GLOW: 1996 Psychic Eustace Delmont. Episode 7 - Finding Genny
Setting the Scene. Assault on South Tower.
Date: Sunday, June 2, 1996.
Time: 1:17am.
Place: The South Tower in the Knives of the Fallen Star's Compound.
Expected Scene: Eustace is watching over Hitomi as she hacks into the tower.
Scene Test: [c75] 5. 2d10 = 10 + 3. Minor complication. "Teammates differ on strategy."
Actual Scene: As expected, but elsewhere the other towers are being left standing which is weakening the attempt.
Can Eustace use his blades in the compound? (Even) → [c89] Yes. His arms are gnole-tech despite having some aetherware upgrades. This means his arms are technically his own flesh rewritten into machinery by the Gnoles. It would make sense that they are still functioning. His psychic powers are out, though. Technically he has a small amount of them but overall we'll say none and he has a headache. He'll get a -1 to Focus until the towers are all taken out or he has time to gather Soulburn [though the last time he did it, he ended up going berserk].
Since we had something like 4-5 combats last session, this point will be all about hacking. I will pull a card per turn and only when the BAD says Yes (even Yes? will be enemies getting near) will someone attack. There'll be plenty of fights this session anyhow. We'll consider the computer to be the equivalent of a Crit/Crit enemy with 9 boxes. Hitomi will have {6 | 9 | 12} 9 grit on her laptop. NOT ServiSynth this time. Just pure cyber.
SOUNDTRACK: The soundtrack for most of this post will be IANAI's Sunir. I like abrupt turns and last time was all about pounding, loud cyberpunk themed music. This time, more ethereal and otherwordly.
Assault on South Tower.
Date: Sunday, June 2, 1996.
Time: 1:17am.
Place: The South Tower in the Knives of the Fallen Star's Compound.
The so-called "tower" is a spiderweb structure stretching across what would be around four city blocks. Mostly pipes, fans, conduits, landscaping, and gauges. At the center of this beast of fluid dynamics is a small, squat spider: a industrial grade work shed that roars with noise. All those pipes, wires, and troughs lead to it. The main mechanism, the piece that actually absorbs and — as it turns out, stores Soulburn — looks like something you might pasteurize milk with on a kiloliter scale. Eustace was expecting something a bit more arcane, not something so clean. Where are the gold leaf lines? The cottage core Americana? The commune arcane? Ancient runes?
He's sad to not see even one blacklight Jesus or Pastel Pagan printout. The standard motifs the Knives wield elsewhere across the compound. It only rings home that Magnus is less a cult leader and more a techno-fascist. The workers here, what few are trusted with it, must be some inner circle that wears suits when not being witnessed by other members of the common clay.
"Some of this tech is right in line with the shit Dave and I stole," Hitomi says as she continues to work to bypass the security of the tank. "Equipment used to extract and perform the Harrowing on smaller scales, plus new storage for Soulburn." [1]
"At least two different groups possibly working together, both using religious fanatics to do their dirty work. Even in place like The GLOW, that does seem like a hell of a coincidence," Eustace responds, looking out the door of the shed. The lock would have been easy for Hitomi to get through but Eustace was in enough of a mood to cut through the whole metallic frame. One downside to the building being small and easy to navigate is that it seemingly only has the one entrance and exit. Probably if the Soulburn tanks go, the runaway reaction would shred the body and mind of anywhere nearby to make safety an afterthought.
His view is a scarce group of badly tended grape and scuppernong vines on leaning trellises and some flowering plants mostly left to go to wild. Enough to cover up some of the equipment for Knives not completely in the know but not so obvious, or plentiful, as to require actual care. One crack in Magnus's masterplan. A sign that loyalty between him and his has limits.
One thing that is not in view is any sort of guards or security. The multi-point assault is doing its job, or Magnus has loaned the true heavies elsewhere in The GLOW. Maybe they get nights off. Eustace cloaking their entrance and now being in the same fog that prevented Eustace from seeing into the compound is likely part of it. Cult isn't going to go against its dear Father and outsiders shine like lighthouses on a dark coast until they are inside. It is very unlikely that anyone near Eustace's Psychic grade was recruited by Magnus before the Order found them so if he cannot punch through, they cannot as well. Grade Threes or Fours are likely their high end. He hopes.
Eustace is not complaining. His ribs still hurt from the kick by Miss Glowing Eyes. And his head hurts like he is deeply hungover. The near absence of Soulburn — and with it his psychic powers — is so definite he can taste it like a drowning man might taste air. No wonder Anastasia looks like she is starving all the time. Her brain developed a whole new stomach which will never feel full again until someone finds out to revert the changes to her biochemistry that Magnus's "Crown of Thorns" inflicted upon her.
"How's it going on your end," Eustace asks.
Hitomi's fingers are rapidly typing across two different keyboards. The right hand is on a standard QWERTY while the left is on a smaller attachment used to rapidly input rune code. "Bog standard 1996 intranet structure between this building and several others around the compound. However, the inherent Soulburn aspects mean it needs to run a low level aether-interface which are hacked together across a fairly low tier a/ether transform. Kind of parts you can get at Radio Shack. It does mean I'm having to hack both systems at the same time but this is made for people with less than expert knowledge I'd say." [2]
Eustace scans his eyes over the gleaming silver of the equipment. To him, the room, and a good bit of the world, looks like it is covered in a gray fog. Microbursts of color try to surface and are swallowed back inside. So very different than the world outside of the compound. Where a room like this would be full of graffiti, trash, and likely a few people. Where the equipment would make a king's alchemist feel underequipped. Where the world would be full of constant dancing light. He is going to need a lie down after this is all said and done.
He watches her click through for a while, smoking her always present cigarettes and occasionally grunting as she speeds up typing and moving things around. The system has some basic security, nothing as intense as the aether-grade protections might be — few things are as intense as a computer virus that can attack your soul — but overall she seems to be winning the battle. At one point she sighs a large cloud of cigarette smoke, her hand holding the cigarette as she makes a face at the readout on her laptop monitor. "The other towers are up and running." [3]
"Is it a problem?"
"Means that are plans to flood the place with Soulburn to overwhelm the Knives are on delay."
"Wait, this might be a good thing."
"How so?"
"This means the psychics and mages working for Magnus are also blocked from seeing in. The rest of their tech is basic security protocols. Their guns they just got are useless. They are using landline phones and store-bought security cams. How about we set up the system to shut off in an hour or and move fast to get in position where all the psychics in the world won't matter if there is no one who can react to their predictions?"
"Are you sure?"
"Who knows? Here, I'm just a guy...with blades in his arms."
Hitomi puts her cigarette between when her lips and it bobs as she talks. "Alright, let's give it a try. One hour until. I'll try and loop into the others and have them all shut down at the same time."
Five minutes later, and another cigarette, she has finished typing her double keyboard. "Done." [4]
"While you are in, can you find any evidence of where they might have Genny?"
"I'll check."
Back to more typing. "No, can't find any convenient maps or notes about where they might keep prisoners." [5]
"Ok, I guess we wing it. We'll head in and see what we find."
Setting the Scene. The Fall of Jericho.
I want to figure out what would be a good place for the next scene. Eventually we'll get to a chapel type place but for the first hits we should figure it out. Let's draw 2 cards. c87 has a jack o lantern as one of its images. c35 mentions local cafe. A small canteen next to a place where they grow pumpkins and melons. Kind of a hippie commune take on Juan's cafe. How intense is the resistance here? → [c45] 4. Not very intense. Still, people are gathering for food and discussion and planning. On that card is the name "Jericho" which seems perfect for such a compound.
Date: Sunday, June 2, 1996.
Time: 1:45am.
Place: Near Jericho's, a small juice and fruit stand which serves as a regular meeting place for the farmers and currently being used as a central planning space.
Expected Scene: Eustace and Hitomi try to launch a surprise attack on some Knives to find out where Genny is.
Scene Test: [c43] 6. 2d10 = 9 + 2. Minor change. "Accident causes injury or loss." "Dense smoke obscures your vision."
Actual Scene: As they wait for a chance, an accident explodes a chunk of Jericho's.
Rather than them waiting out this scene to get into a fight, instead they might end up rescuing someone from a fire. We'll say after the guns are failing, some of the Knives came up with a plan to build bombs out of the farm chemicals but it goes poorly. Eustace and Hitomi will have to make an Extreme Dangerous Gamble Brawn + Stunt to avoid the blast itself.
The Fall of Jericho.
Date: Sunday, June 2, 1996.
Time: 1:45am.
Place: Near Jericho's, a small juice and fruit stand which serves as a regular meeting place for the farmers and currently being used as a central planning space.
Eustace and Hitomi have been mostly lucky in avoiding the Knives running back and forth. First with guns. Later with farm tools and equipment as the reality of the sabotage has dawned. What they have noticed that several groups have been moving in a particular direction towards the center of the compund near a large field full of young pumpkin, melon, and similar fruit. A few of the melons already showing flowers and early fruit but the season is too early for the majority of the crop to be obvious just yet.
Eustace and Hitomi have managed to gather up a couple of roughly fitting robes — a little small on Eustace, a little large on Hitomi — after ambushing a pair of Knives. Ok, very small on Eustace. Very large on Hitomi. "How were those guys so perfectly average size?," Eustace asked, making do with a robe that only comes to slightly below his knees and which cannot bunch up. Hitomi's has to be gathered at the waist to stop her from tripping over it. [6]
The end destination for several groups is a small building of a perfect kitsch to shout gentrification in most other cities. A reclaimed outbuilding of some size retaining a chipped paint motif, with various signs and farm accoutrements as decoration. A few wooden park tables are out front. This seems to serve as a kind of 1950s barnyard chic styled watering hole for the Knives. A place for them to grab a lunch or a jar of water after working in the fields. Currently, a half-dozen Knives are at the tables prepping jugs of something. Fertilizer, fuel, and other chemicals are being mixed together and the smell is atrocious. According to the conversation, it sounds like they have decided to make homemade bombs to counter their lack of firepower as groups of unknown assailants pour in.
During the two hours building up to the assault, Hitomi had made two phone calls. The first was to Anastasia and her group of ex-Knives. They were told to hit the north side. The second was to Juan. It was explained that Genny was down and that the Knives were a front for something much bigger than imagined. Hitomi made it clear that there was no way that she could pay for services but Magnus had already targeted Juan and one of his main jobbers. He said he would talk to folks. It is unclear how many took him up on the offer. Based on the gun fire, some folks owing Juan favors decided shooting cultists could be a good way to repay old debts.
Eustace and Hitomi have made their way to the side of the building, enough in shadow to be a bit out of sight, and have been trying to strategize using taps and hand gestures. Around the time that Eustace mimes picking up a table and using it as a weapon they hear a gasp. It is the only warning they have as Eustace grabs at Hitomi and tries to throw her back away from the front of the building. A huge blast of flame and smoke tear through the hold structure and pieces of wooden shrapnel mixes with metal signs to slice through the people there. As Eustace lets go of Hitomi and sends her flying back towards the edge of one of the plots, he rolls as best he can way from the blast and manages to get down before anything large slams into him. Hitomi lands roughly but is saved from the worst of it. [7]
Eustace runs around to where the front of the building would be. None of the cultists survived the blast. Even the couple that are relatively intact are clearly dead. His plan of getting information about where to find Genny will not happen here. He runs back around to where Hitomi is dusting herself off. Pieces of debris starting to rain down. Ears are ringing. Even over that, they just hear a group in the distance cry out as they get closer. Most likely another group of Knives are moving at speed to the location. [8]
Hitomi looks around and points in a direction to their west, even further into the main central buildings. The two take off running in that way.
Setting the Scene. Finding Jenny.
Date: Sunday, June 2, 1996.
Time: 2:17am.
Place: A garage where the Knives receive shipments and store goods.
Expected Scene: Eustace and Hitomi have made their way to the garage where Genny is being kept.
Scene Test: [c86] 3. 2d10 = 1 + 7. Only a minor twist to the tale. "A wits or perception challenge."
Actual Scene: They have had to figure it out the hard way.
At the start of the scene, they will have had to keep running and fighting to get here. We'll do a series of Critical [Dangerous] Rolls representing various fights. After each one, we'll do Nerves + Awareness to represent how well they are keeping their head on a swivel. They need a Critical.
Roll 1: Eustace gets 3x Basic = 1x Critical. Hitomi gets Critical + Basic. For the perception, neither passes.
Roll 2: Eustace and Hitomi clear their Critical. For perception, neither passes.
Roll 3: Eustace gets Impossible. We'll say this grants him the space to interrogate someone and negates Hitomi's roll. Smooth + Speech + 1 Help = Critical success. He finally gets through to someone and gets the directions out of them.
Each roll will add 10 minutes of time. This puts them 30 minutes of time in the future from the last one, plus the time of the last one. It actually means the Towers are now shutting down and Soulburn is starting to pour back into the base.
The guards for the warehouse will be Bad Guys Template 2. Crit/Crit/9. Hot = 3/7. No Feats this time. Our pair has been through a lot and the final battle will be proper rough.
Finding Jenny.
Date: Sunday, June 2, 1996.
Time: 2:17am.
Place: A garage where the knives receive shipments and store goods.
"This is the building she described," Eustace says, pointing out a squat metal structure that looks a lot like the back of warehouse turned store. The road from the gate drives right up to it so definitely matches the description. This is something like centra receiving for the compound, where vetted packages are brought and prepped to leave the compound. The cultist they found, a small woman with "the crown" on her shaved head, had pleaded for mercy after Eustace punched through the bigger guys that had been with her. There's been a lot of killing tonight, so having someone not swing fanatical did a lot of assuage Eustace's mood. He gave her the chance to say where they needed to go to get their friend. She had said to find this road and head north along it until they found the building.
"Which building?," Hitomi asked.
"You'll know it," their captive had said, with a accent a bit Icelandic, "Where stuff is stored."
Now in the present, Eustace and Hitomi are scanning it for the signs of any guards. They see nothing. [9]
"I think we might have broken the compound," Eustace says.
The two go through a back dock into a large room stacked with various boxes. The large crate that once held a bunch of broken guns is there, helping to confirm they are in the right spot. The strange utopian cleanliness that has permeated the compound is a bit absent here. Wrappers and cigarette butts are discarded along the floor. Boxes of everyday goods. Actually everyday. Not The GLOW's weird equivalent. Snacks. Chips. Medicines. When you are opposed to aether-tech, modernity becomes a kind of quaint squalor. Water drips from the ceiling. The smell of motor oil is on the nose.
The smell of smoke and people talking can be heard to one side, what looks like a manager's cubby of sorts. Eustace and Hitomi carefully make their way over to it and glance around a shelf of books dedicated to farming and equipment repair and glance through the windows. Three people are inside. Rather than white robes and silver crowns, these are dressed in black paramilitary gear. Two men and a woman. The woman, bright red hair and a face that has seen some fights, is the one smoking. Genny is tied up in a chair. His face bloody and his clothes torn and ripped. Bruises and gashes are apparent all over. He is clearly taking the brunt of dissatisfaction for the failed shipment. Pieces of broken guns are on the floor at his feet. It looks like they beat him with a few jammed assault rifles. He is breathing, but not super well.
Eustace nods towards Hitomi and then takes a running start and leaps through the window with his blades out to break the glass. By the time the smoking woman, who seems to be the squad's leader, has realized Eustace is inside and is pulling out a gun — no doubt a working one — two blades are whirling right in the midst of the soldiers. They barely have time to shout before Eustace has reduced their biology to simple physics. From Hitomi's perspective, blood fills the windows and the room. [10]
"I think it's safe to come in, now," Eustace calls back. She pulls the door open and it's like back at the mall. The three Knives soldiers are in pieces. Genny's ropes are being cut and Eustace is seeing if Genny can stand. Unfortunately, the older jobber is too beaten by the ordeal. With Eustace living up a bit to the Nurse name, though, Genny gets stabilized enough that he isn't in any immediate danger of dying. [11]
"What the hell are you, man?," Genny asks Eustace.
"A weapon who made a major mistake by underestimating an enemy."
"That takes me back." Genny laughs at his own joke, but the sound is as much the crack of ribs and coughing up of injured lungs. Even if he is stable, a hefty stubbing of his toes might be enough to finish him off.
"Do you know where Magnus might be?," Hitomi asks.
Genny shakes his head. "They didn't discuss their secret lair while beating me with broken guns, unfortunately." [12]
Eustace looks around at the steadily increasing Soulburn. A faint afterimage of light. Roughly what a non-psychic would see in the main GLOW, well below his own capabilities. He walks out into the main warehouse floor and starts breathing deeply. In his mind, he imagines reaching out large hands and weaving together threads. Little by little, he pulls in the faintest traces until enough Soulburn is around him. [13]
He looks back at Hitomi. He is a bit surprised to see only a single green thread flowing around her, currently very faint. If he only he was aware that upon entering the compound, dozens of other snapped off and flowed back out into The GLOW, suddenly reunited with all the lines and threads they had been pulled from by his own interest in her, he might have realized why all the city threads are starting to weave around her. Might have figured out more about who and what he is. Instead, what he thinks is that if he can't do this, then he needs to call in those who can. And that means going back to Antioch. The next time he sees Hitomi, he might be under orders to wipe her mind or to kill her. By that time, the Gnoles might have turned more of him into this new style of weapon. A mayfly moment. That's all he has.
He reaches deeper. Trying to avoid going so deep that he becomes a mere extension of Soulburn. The compound is a big place. The towers have worked over time, but there must be energy up there, above them. In the ground. In the shadows and cracks where the towers could not easily reach. He starts pulling that in, finger by finger. Centimeter by centimeter. Drops of light. Motes of dust. Like a magic trick where someone pours colored mist down onto a performer. Enough that even Hitomi and Genny can see it. Then it reaches a point where the swirling aurora spreads out. Crow's wing. A crow's beak. Moments later, the Soulburn surges forward in a direction north of their current location. A bird of swirling hues flying through the wall. [14]
Behind Eustace, another green thread floats through the air and begins circling around Hitomi.
February 25, 2025
The twist of Magnus Odinson being a major character continues to have slightly odd timing issues with the series. In The Good Place, Jason has a line along the lines of, "I'm too young to die and too old to order off the children's menu, what a stupid age I am!" In a similar vein, Magnus is too big a boss to settle in a single scene but too minor a boss to rest the whole session to just handling him. In this light, it's a good place to stop since this kind of would have made sense at the end of the last post but also makes more sense on its own. I have artwork and started some development of Magnus but in the OG scene he was just going to be an old man with more wits than sense. Now he's a bit craftier and I've come up with some fun twists — e.g., he has a stash of Soulburn in his chapel and the black-camo troops to guard him.
Another reason I decided to not cram another two hour session's worth of content here is I want to go ahead now and do the last "half" of my rules reread. Chances are that E+H are going to need some of those Plans B type mechanics. Genny was meant to be Help during the scene but he is out. People are scattered with the time table shift. It's going to be Eustace "I am not a gun" against psychic bad guys, albeit ones not as strong as he is.
Overall, though, a story meant to be about saving one member of a crime family and then maybe having a shoot out with another member has gone to some fun stuff. The development of multiple cults that are interwoven. The strangeness of the higher level Patel troops. The various street gangs and how they play off. The storyline of why bad stuff keeps happening to Hitomi. Eustace becoming a crow instead of a fox because he is starting to actually weave the Soulburn instead of reading the threads. All fun stuff.
On the very slightly negative side of things is that I will likely be running slightly shorter sessions of this because it requires a good deal of overhead. I feel like I am hitting the Outgunned vibe, at least the one that I want to run, but some of my more simpler systems I like require a few dice and character sheets that can be kept up with on a notecard. This needs a bit more set-up and take down. Each scene has a few words of build up but behind the scene there is 30+ minutes of building up the graphics, time spent trying to make sure it all makes sense. Three to four scenes is likely a good upper limit unless the scenes just flow super well. That gives me more time and freedom to build up some quirky moments like the explosion. To develop how the tech would work.
It's just a bit strange to spend around three hours of playing, crafting, and writing and then see what seems like short posts even though one-third of the work never quite makes it to the page besides as a final product. Some of that gets easier as we establish the factions and sections more.
On to the fourth and possible last proper intermission unless I spend one working out the Patel encounter, which I might.
- Is this tech exactly in line with what Dave Akari took from Hitomi? (Even) → [c90] Yes.
- Crime + Fix. Double Critical. System takes 2 Grit damage.
- A few more rounds. Crime + Fix to Hack. Nerves + Fix to resist the security protocols. +1 to both for the laptop (will lose that if loses Laptop Grit). Critical React. Next action: Crit + 2x Basic.
- Action: Double Crit. React: Crit + Basic. Action: Impossible. At this point, she has done enough damage to the system, and gotten an impossible, so we say she gotten enough to hack the system and to set it up as desired.
- Would they have where Genny is in the system? (Bad) → [c66] NO! The system isn't used for that kind of system at all.
- Treating the pair as basic canon fodder, the two just need Double Basic to get it and make those rolls with Crime + Stealth. Eustace's fits → [c109] 4, not very well. Hitomi's fits — [c4] 4. Also not very well. No real help at anything like a close inspection but will keep them hidden at a larger distance.
- Eustace gets an Extreme + Basic. He is able to withstand the blast and say that drops that Hitomi to need a Critical. Hitomi makes that but has two 1s and so takes two grit.
- Did any of hte Knives survive? (Bad) → [c80] No.
- Are there guards around the building? (Good) → [c108] NO!
- Eustace is going to spend an Adrenaline. In this case, we'll consider his reckless actions to be a gamble. He gets 9 dice. Impossible success with no 1s. He catches them off guard and slaughters them.
- Can Genny still fight? (Even) → [c10] No. Does Genny need immediate medical attention? (Even) → [c116] No.
- Did Genny hear anything about where Magnus might be? (Even) → [c120] No.
- Something of an open Gamble Focus + Cool. -1 for his still needing full Soulburn. Only gets a Basic. He's starting to make contact, but not enough.
- Spent a spotlight. Got it back on the coinflip.
The GLOW 1996: Psychic Eustace Delmont is played using Two Little Mouse's Outgunned and Outgunned: Action Flicks (especially, but not limited to "Neon Noir" and "Great Powers"). It uses Larcenous Designs' Gamemaster Apprentice Deck: Cyberpunk 2E as its main oracle.
Other sources used include:
- Zach Best's Universal NPC Emulator.
- Cesar Capacle's Random Realities
- Kevin Crawford's Cities Without Number
- Matt Davis' Book of Random Tables: Cyberpunk 1, 2 and 3.
- Geist Hack Games and Paul D. Gallagher's Augmented Realities.
The Knives Compound is actually this farm: Photo by Amandine L. on Unsplash
The South Tower: This photo of industrial equipment. I needed something that felt a bit tech but also a little old school and it worked. It actually was a slightly more involved photo in that I needed it to have some Soulburn but also a sense of a headache so the Soulburn is more glitched, there are multiple competing layers, and a couple of other tricks [like grayscale] to make it a bit fuzzier.
Jericho's, using a similar system: Photo by James Zwadlo on Unsplash.
Knives Storeroom: Photo by George Kedenburg III on Unsplash.
Taxonomy and Technical Data
- World: The GLOW
- Campaign: The GLOW
- Arc: 1996 Psychic Eustace Delmont
- Post: Episode 7 - Finding Genny
Dates Played: February 24-25, 2025.
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