The GLOW 1996: Psychic Eustace Delmont, Episode 4 - Against Ouroboros


A modified soldier who has a left arm ending in tentacles and a sword in his right arm.
How could I not use this art?
Image © Dean Spencer


Previously, on The GLOW: 1996 Psychic Eustace Delmont

Two harmless street gangs — the Fractal Apocalypse and the Shaolin Dragons — pulled a problematic snatch. Their target was Juan Uno, a man who is consider something like a saint by folks in The GLOW. Eustace and Hitomi have helped to defuse the situation but now they must deal with the root of a problem: a enignmatic and very crooked fixer, Yuito Ouroboros.

About The GLOW: 1996 Psychic Eustace Delmont

Eustace Delmont is a psychic on the cusp of "graduating" into a full-blow Field Psychic. He requests his right to Walk, a brief period of freedom to encourage psychics to see the other side of The GLOW. He tries to finish his long-time partner Jani Blum's final unfinished mission: to find a mini-disc and crack open the Patel crime family. He meets Hitomi Meyer, a criminal hacker. The two are now on the run between a powerful crime family and an even more powerful adversary: The Order and its plans for Eustace.

Content Warning: Occasionally very foul language, lots of smoking, quite intense violence, drinking, gambling, non-graphic sex, drugs, criminal behavior, and black magic. The GLOW is a world of spiritual torture and weird horror.

This post is in the standard Doug Alone post style. See Anatomy of a Post for more details.

Attribution for the tools and materials used—including the splash art—can be found in the Credits below along with some details.

The GLOW: 1996 Psychic Eustace Delmont. Episode 4 — Against Ouroboros

Setting the Scene. Planning Revenge.

Date: Friday, May 31, 1996.
Time: 5:47pm
Place: Juan's Cafe.

Expected Scene: E+H discuss taking down Ouroboros before phase 2 hits.
Scene Test: [c47] 7. 2d10 = 4 + 10. Minor complication. HAH, the catalyst literally says "A minor issue escalates".
Actual Scene: As expected, but now the rain has turned into a full blown downpour of near white-out conditions.

We have a single piece of the puzzle missing at this stage: the name of the dangerous gang backing up Yuito. Pulling a single card [c19] I see three things that pop out. A brain wave sort of image icon, "Chemtrails," and "Fear." Putting those together we get the Brainwaves: a hedge-magic using street gang which tend to use mind control toxins to strike fear. This might explain their long game with trying to drive out and break the FA. Having people with equipment to make artificial emotions would be a powerful tool for them to have.

SCENE SOUNDTRACK: The scene and the next couple are going to be Timecop1983's Childhood Memories just to help keep the mood kind of chill. More sneaky and thoughtful than punchy.

Planning Revenge.

A plant filled courtyard of a cafe.

Date: Friday, May 31, 1996.
Time: 5:47pm
Place: Juan's Cafe.

The rain is loud enough it nearly drowns out Juan's quiet voice. Hitomi and Eustace are huddled over a table with Juan and Julian on the other side. The evening crowd is sparse so far. The events earlier have spread through the ripple of gossip to keep what few diners might brave the rain way and the late night customers have not yet surfaced. Hitomi worked overtime to get the fake birthday story — leaving out the all important fact of whose birthday the surprise was — and for now people have bought it.

Back inside the main cafe, BrokenRecord, Banshee, and Varvara are chatting amicably with Samvel Adamyan: Juan's other mainstay bodyguard. The one who actually shot BrokenRecord. He seems to think that them bringing back Juan and apologizing makes up for any and all misunderstandings and BrokenRecord is doing her best to flirt, weird stutter and all.

"A very interesting case, this...," Juan starts, bringing out two flat disks carved of semi-precious gems. He taps the first and a sphere of nonsense floats over it. He taps the second and another sphere. Juan leans forward and whispers Hitomi's name and suddenly the nonsense coalesces into a series of words and pictures. In both, a stark older man is visible. "I'm sorry, big one, I do not know your name so I can not decode them for you," Juan says to Eustace, "Introductions might be in order."

Eustace had been peering at the shapes and has very nearly figured out how to bring them forward. With a snap, they come into focus for him. "Eustace Delmont. You're Juan Uno. Whose the old guy?" [1]

"Oh, ho, very good," says Juan with a little clap. He pulls out a thin, black cigarette and lights it. Julian bends down and whispers something in Juan's ear. "A Psychic? My, my." Blows smoke out in a thin stream from the left of his mouth. "Sometimes you folks show up to set up jobs with me. Never had one not in mask, though."

Eustace continues the lie of leaving out the technically probationary status of his capital-P Psychic status. "I'm just here as a tourist. Visiting with a friend." Gestures towards Hitomi who winks back at him.

"Little Miss Meyer. A regular of mine. Do treat her well. As I was saying, this one is an interesting case. The 'old man' is Magnus Odinson. No doubt his real name is Richard Little or something minor. But Odinson considers himself a holy pilgrim. Has gathered up a large group. The Knife of the Fallen Star. Blends old world religion with Christianity and Satanism. Considers Soulburn and magic to be against the human soul. Plotting a war against people like, Mr. Delmont."

A few flicks of Juan's fingers shows another man featuring in the first sphere. Another old man. This one thin and well dressed. Japanese. A crooked smile. "This is the source of today's trouble. Ita Oro, aka Yuito Ouroboros. The kind of guy that can get anything for anyone. At a cost. Sometimes that cost is straight up betrayal. Has a tendency of screwing people over at the worst times and forcing them to bargain."

"Why is he after you?," Hitomi asks. She has lit her own cigarette and is staring at the two floating images of the men.

"I think because of this first little disk I am showing you. Magnus Odinson approached me for a job posting. Ouroboros had stiffed the Knives out of a large shipment of guns. The kind that go bang bang with no aethertech or magic required. Seems like Oro got them just fine but then decided to make the Knives pay more. I normally don't like dealing with religious freaks but Mr. Oro has been causing greater and greater issues, playing some long con so I took it against my better judgement. I guess he found out, somehow, probably a mole within the Knives."

"And the other sphere?," Eustace asks.

"What makes it interesting. This is a job posted by Anastasia Yuma. Ex-Knife. Said she underwent a lot of abuse by the members, that other people from the area are getting trapped in Odinson's bubble. Wants a job for people to run distraction so she can get in and get people out."

"How much?," Hitomi asks.

"Which one?"

"All of it. How much for us to take care of Ouroboros for you? How much for us to take care of Ouroboros for Odinson? How much to take care of Odinson for Yuma?"

Juan laughs at this. Starts discussing prices.

Afterward, Eustace and Hitomi are getting a bit to eat, on the house, and he has to know. "Are we really going to arm abusive cultists and then fight those abusive cultists?"

"I'm good with guns. Really good. Dad taught me when he wasn't preaching at me. We get the cache, make most of them not work, give them over and get paid. Then we use their dumb confidence to carry out this next job."

Setting the Scene. Always a Good Day for a Bad Idea.

Date: Friday, May 31, 1996.
Time: 7:40pm.
Place: Near the back entrance to Yuito's bunker compound.

Expected Scene: Eustace and Hitomi need to find a way into the bunker.
Scene Test: [c25] 4. 2d10 = 1 + 9. Minor shift. "A bond or connection is explored."
Actual Scene: As they waiting to get inside, some of the Knives shows up.

It is easy for all GMs to create Gordian Knots on accident. Puzzles a bit too hard to solve. In this case, Yuito's bunker being an underground nuclear fallout shelter is going to make getting inside rough without a frontal assault. The strange ritual party will help but we'll have to go a bit easy on the pair trying to get end. A back entrance used for servants and deliveries. Still guarded but maybe less so.

A blue door at the end of a strange cavernous hall.

Always a Good Day for a Bad Idea.

Date: Friday, May 31, 1996.
Time: 7:40pm.
Place: Near the back entrance to Yuito's bunker compound.>

"Yeah, that's clearly a trap," Eustace says, looking at the blue door at the end of the tunnel. The front entrance had clear guards but Hitomi had mentioned that Yuito Ouroboros had less of a nuclear bunker and more of a fallout mansion. Big enough to need a few entrances. The largest, the "front door," big enough to let vehicles in. One of the side entrances they explored had been sealed up. This one is something like a servant's entrance. On the outside just a fenced of tunnel with a plain blue door at the end. Lights burning but no sign of any activity. Except the loud bass music that can be felt more than heard through the feet.

"This is why they pay us the big bucks," Hitomi says, "Because we fall into obv...mmmmphf!" Eustace has grabbed her and pulled her against the wall is kissing her hard enough that she can't possibly finish her sentence. He pulls his hands down her shirt and is making it very obvious that they are just a couple who came out for some fresh air and sex. [2]

She starts to push him away but then hears the footsteps behind him. A couple of people laugh and then keep going. She decides to choke back her anger and goes with it for a minute until they are far enough away she can pull back some. As he finally lets her catch her breath she sees a couple of guys and a woman at the blue door, knocking on it. A few seconds later the door opens — the loud bass music pours out — and then shuts cutting it off. [3]

"Sorry," Eustace says, "We had almost no time and it always seems to work in the movies."

"You're in trouble, but for now I appreciate it," she says, a bit upset but realizing their job nearly got terminated before they had even gotten to the tricky part. "So yeah, that's definitely a trap but we have to get through to find the cache. Then somehow get it out. And take out Ouroboros in the process as a bonus. Any ideas?" In her backpack are four Bliss Bombs™ courtesy of an apologetic Banshee. Plus two gasmasks. And one of her laptops. The problem is though they have more than enough Bliss to take out two of the Fractal Apocalypse warehouses, Ouroboros's bunker is on a whole other scale.

He looks back at the entrance of the tunnel, that always sense that something in the Soulburn is watching him, then back at the door. "It's always a good day for a bad idea," he says.

"What are you thinking?"

"We just walk in."

"What is Plan B?"

"I'm serious. Obfuscation is one of the Psychic's main tricks. I've never really used it but the principal is simple enough."

She looks at him. She has heard a few stories about the Order Psychics. How they suddenly appear in the middle of a party and start cutting down people. How they might be outside your window watching you sleep and you wouldn't know. "What do we do?"

"Stay really close to me. Don't so much think thin as 'not there'." [4]

Setting the Scene. The Walls Have Eyes.

Date: Friday, May 31, 1996.
Time: 7:48pm.
Place: Inside Yuito Ouroboros's Bunker.

Expected Scene: Eustace and Hitomi have to find their way around without being caught.
Scene Test: [c5] 3. 2d10 = 3 + 4. Only a minor twist. "Time to Tinker with Tech."
Actual Scene: Eustace and Hitomi are inside but it's the tech that is causing problems.

The Spotlight is enabling Eustace and Hitomi to shut down other people's perception of them, plus the party is kicking off more and more. Despite his many bad dealings, Ouroboros is cocky. Even members of the Knives are here to help sell out Odinson. The problem is the ServiSynth Eyes. We know that psychic waves meant to shut down human perception don't work since Amy Patel's mantis could see through Jani's psychic screen. Eustace is around three grades higher and stronger, but still, ServiSynth are a problem. We won't give them a battle stat but they are CRITICAL to avoid.

Do the eyes have a rudimentary intelligence capable to detecting intruders? (Even) → [c112] YES! This means that Eustace and Hitomi have to work fast.

SOUNDTRACK: Time to up the stress levels. Karl Casey's Cold Future.

A control room for an underground bunker.

The Walls Have Eyes.

Date: Friday, May 31, 1996.
Time: 7:48pm.
Place: Inside Yuito Ouroboros's Bunker.

Hitomi finds herself having trouble breathing. To her, it seems like her and Eustace are just walking past other people. They don't even acknowledge. Whatever mind games Eustace is playing, it is making a blank spot. Some of the people are clearly Brainwaves. Carrying guns and swords. Often shirtless to show off tats and strange head decorations. Huffing cans of something. Their bodies reach of predatorial pheromones. A twisted cousin to the Fractal Apocalypse. A topless Brainwave woman walks buy smoking something that reeks of death. Her hands wearing aether claws. Still, what Eustace is weaving in the air is stopping even monsters like this woman from sensing them.

There is a new problem, ServiSynth Eyes that look like large human eyes are in the walls. And Eustace's psychic weave is clearly not working with. They tried leaving this initial area — something like a pantry leading into a kitchen — and one of the bloodshot eyes honed in quick before she pulled him back. His concentration is dedicated to keeping the blanket protection up. She parks him in a corner and starts back out in the hall. The eye moves in its socket. Nearly a foot across. Rudimentary bio-plastic lid closes over it but not enough. The wall underneath is wet with tears. The things must be in constant pain.

She takes three deep breaths. More of that terrible cigarette that smells like burning tar and flesh. Then walks out and moves in a strangely fluid pattern where she times the blinks of the eye and the way it rolls back and forth so that she is always outside of its vision. She needs to find a hub where these things might be controlled. Without knowing how far Eustace's obfuscation can carry her. [5]

Another hall, another eye. Again, she uses her long history of being in places she is not supposed to be to help guide her around. She sees veins laced along the wall. Nerves and fluid ducts for the eyes. She follows the general path until she finds the control room she is looking for. This hall is much more abandoned. A lot more rustic. More to its original design as some 1960s shelter built in case of some retaliation against the GLOW. Down the hall, a Brainwave male. Something strange is happening with his left arm but he is too far to see. Before she has to test if Eustace is able to keep her hidden at this distance, he turns and walks into a side door without glancing back. [6]

She pushes the door open. Finds a room full of old computers. She is shocked to see no one is here. The Brainwaves are clearly convinced they are a big enough threat to keep people out. [7]

She sets her laptop down on one of the terminals and plugs into the aether system. Pulls up a series of wards and runes and beings working against the internal systems. The system is like a giant brain, a bunker-wide ServiSynth that is trying to protect itself from threats. She starts trying to talk to it as it pushes back against her. She is able to shove through some of its outer defenses and hears no alarms going off, but there is a lot more to go. [8]

Voices in the hall. She ducks down and pulls her laptop under the desk. She pulls out memories of sunlit days that she recorded and begins running them into the central brain. Happy thoughts. Joy. She sends the rune for friendship three times over. The brain finally accepts her communications. After years of being abused by the powers that be, Hitomi is considered a true friend. Rather than abuse that trust, she actually starts sending counter commands to the system, building up its self-awareness. Turning on some of its own defenses. [9]

She pulls out a cable that looks a bit like a bit of intestine and holds it to her own scalp. "What's your name, sweetie?"

The ServiSynth brain responds with three symbols: a broken chain, a lighthouse, a cloud. [10]

"I'm going to call you Silver Lining, ok?" She gets a positive sense back. "A friend and I need to help some people out. Can you help us with that? I don't want to hurt anyone or you, is that ok?" She gets a strange sensation back. Like Silver Lining was hoping for something a little bit different. [11]

She sends thoughts of Eustace, all the thoughts. The first meeting. His wanting to protect people. The way he kisses. The way he moves. The way he keeps looking behind him like he senses someone there in the distance.

That complete she sends out her thoughts to Eustace, hoping he can hear. Luckily, a few seconds later she feels his thoughts push back. He has been listening in. [12]

She can see him move down the hall through the eyes. The Brainwaves continue to be absolutely terrible security as no one tends to move. Wait, there is one. [13]

Dark skinned, short, and built like a swimmer this one has a pair of hatchets and seems to be vibing with swinging the wide while talking to himself. Tattoos of snakes wrap around his body and his arms. As he walks near Eustace, he does not turn. Eustace stands still and one of the axes embeds in his arm and then the Brainwave walks on, not noticing the blood dripping down one of them. Eustace, in pain, keeps coming toward Hitomi's location. [14]

As he gets into the room, she helps to bandage the bloody wound by using a bit of her shirt. Then she asks Silver Lining where Ouroboros might be hiding the guns. It shows her a place. The hallway the weird armed guy just went down a few minutes before. [15]

Setting the Scene. Mr. Weird Arm.

Date: Friday, May 31, 1996.
Time: 8:01pm.
Place: Inside Yuito Ouroboros's Bunker.

Expected Scene: Eustace and Hitomi confront the strange armed Brainwave.
Scene Test: [c66] 5. 2d10 = 1 + 5. As expected.
Actual Scene: As expected.

I had some cool stock art I wanted to use so we will get a rough fight with a single, well-armed opponent. Bad Guy template 1. 6 Grit. Hot Box on 3. Critical/Critical. Fighter (-1 close range), Sharp Blade (potential to Hurt), and we'll give him a custom feat for using his tentacle arms that failing to get a Basic means he latches on. This will be like an extra help for him.

There is obviously a hidden entrance to get out. We'll figure that out in a bit.

Mr. Weird Arm.

Date: Friday, May 31, 1996.
Time: 8:01pm.
Place: Inside Yuito Ouroboros's Bunker.

The store room is a large place with many metal crates. Ouroboros is clearly behind on a lot of orders. Seems like only a matter of time before his fate catches up to him.

"Silver Lining, which of these has guns designated to go to Magnus Odinson?" The ServiSynth brain returns a sense of confusion. They would need to know how the place is coded to ask the question. [16]

"Damn it, Nurse, I think we are on our own." The two begin looking through the crates but it will take some time to open and inspect each one. There has to be some sort of log, somewhere. As Hitomi goes to start looking for it, another voices calls out.

"My at the rat problem we have. I told Yuito we'd need to set some traps. Luckily, he has me." The speaker is the strange armed guy she saw earlier. Strange barely covers it. His left arm ends in a series of octopus tentacles. His right holds a sword. The man looks with a sense of glee at the chance to get to use both.

"Foxteeth, find the guns!," Eustace calls out as he runs forward to fight the guy. Despite Eustace having the edge in height and body mass, Hitomi is not entirely sure how long he will be able to hold up. Also, what the hell did he just call her?

Eustace gets his left blade up to cause the superior fighter to back up and then brings his right blade down to slash down Weird Arm's...well, weird arm. It is a heavy hit and the Brainwave's cockiness plummets as his blood splashes the floor. [14]

In retaliation, Weird Arm continues his sweep right across Eustace's guts. He avoids getting emboweled but its no longer just Weird Arm's blood on the floor. [18]

A series of small slashes from Eustace starts to wear Weird Arm down but right as Eustace gets a hit in, Weird Arm deflects it back up and brings his blade down Eustace's right arm. Eustace returns the deflection with his right blade and then brings it down and cuts through the tentacle arm, slicing it off. Weird Arm screams loud enough that people nearly have to hear. [19]

As the guy is screaming, Eustace brings both arms together and cuts the head right off. [20]

On the other side of the room, Hitomi has managed to find the list of codes for the boxes and after finding the cache of guns just shoves it in her backpack. Blackmail might buy Juan and the rest a bit more time. Keeping an ear out, she doesn't hear the sound of pursuit. Silver Lining's loading ServiSynth help to put the crate in question on a truck and then starts opening the door which drives out into what appears to be a run down barn. Before her and a bleeding Eustace drive out into the night, she turns and hands one of the ServiSynths the four Bliss Bombs™.

"Maybe don't make it a slaughter, but for tonight have some revenge. Also, I want you to think really hard about this. Rooster masks. Rooster masks. Got it? Good."

The truck is gone before they push their luck anymore.

It is a few hours later that she hears the news across the 'net. Yuito Ouroboros and many of his guests have been slaughtered. The security system reports a group of people in rooster masks are to blame. MUNI is starting investigations. [21]


February 11, 2025

This is, essentially, the remaining bits from the shot that I had to bail on last time to get some rest.

That was a more abrupt ending that intended but it's a bit of a byproduct of still recovering out of the brain fog mentioned last episode. It is also just trying to keep the fat a little trim. The Crooked Fixer is one part of the Odinson cult. We already have three new gangs growing out of it before we get to the Knives. As much fun as Ouroboros could have been, that would be adding a secondary complication to a side job that would only delay getting to the main story. I like the idea of the ServiSynth rebellion starting. A minor thing that might grow beyond this arc and set up some later stories. I also like that we are continuing to build the false legend of a gang of rooster-headed vigilantes taking down major crime groups when it really just two fairly overwhelmed people managing to survive.

So, it was a bit cheaty-cheap but two episodes that were a really long episode are enough. Hitomi has learned that befriending the semi-aware aether systems is a tool. She'll use that. Eustace has learned that swords hurt, he'll use that. He drained a lot of resources just to keep her safe. She'll also use that.

One of the reason I'm interested in running the showdown versus Odinson is because it challenges one of the assumptions of this whole campaign: Eustace needs Soulburn to function. Going to a place with reduced Soulburn is going to take away his powers or at least greatly hinder them. This was already Hitomi's time to shine. They will probably need help next time around.

Some fun trivia. The base-wide ServiSynth was going to have a grapple attack and I had stock art picked out for it. Before we got the whole "Brainwaves are terrible at their job" oracle results over and over and before we got "Hitomi will choose to be a friend because her real goal is to help the downtrodden despite being a bit of a bitch about it" shine gloriously, the intent was to have maybe a showdown with Weird Arms and Ouroboros while Eustace and Hitomi are dealing with their legs being grappled. Then we got her making friends with a tortured ServiSynth. And the Brainwaves just refused to respond. Plus I was tired.

Had they gone to the ritual, though, Eustace was going to experience a more pure Soulburn experience and get a glimpse of his future destiny — spoiler, he is turning into a witch. The whole plot about psychic threads targetting Hitomi is not because the threads care about her, but because he does. He's inadvertantly making the threads around the city start to gather to her and her own personal sphere is getting impacted by it. I've been coy with myself on this but that is why he keeps thinking the Soulburn is talking to him. Because it is. Once I came up with the idea to have a Eustace story and that story was going to have a Hitomi, I realized that he might not have been sensing a place to hide the mini-disc. He was sensing her.


  1. Can Eustace break the hedge magic encryption around the info spheres? (Good) → [c99] Yes.
  2. Focus + Awareness for his danger sense. Gets a Critical. He can feel the people coming into the tunnel after them.
  3. Do the rogue Knives fall for the ruse? (Good) → [c23] YES!
  4. Not going to roll this one. Eustace is going to spend a Spotlight. He loses the coinflip and does not get it back.
  5. Crime + Stealth + 1 Help from the psychic field. She gets Extreme + Basic. She is good for three checks to avoid them and needs a Crit to find the hub.
  6. Crime + Awareness. Actually gets a Crit using her Hacker feat.
  7. Is there someone actually watching the control hub? (Even) → [c72] NO! The people are very cocky about their position of power.
  8. Crime + Fix + 1 Help (Laptop) + 1 Adrenaline. Basically considering this a Gamble. Even using her Hacker feet tops out at 1 Crit + 2 Basic. Not enough to take control but enough to avoid getting detected, yet.
  9. Again. This time the roll works better. Extreme + Crit. Combined with the previous advances she is down two Adrenaline but Hitomi is now in control of the system.
  10. Snagged these symbols through three quick cards.
  11. Is Silver Lining ok with this? (Even) → [c16] Yes? It actually might want to hurt the people that have built it into the walls.
  12. I forgot to establish this before hand so to be fair, did they agree to use his psychic powers to communicate? (Even) → [c41] YES!
  13. Are any Brainwaves going to be in the hall? (Even) → [c39] Yes? Hmm, we'll make him roll a bit to see if his psychic field is holding.
  14. Is his Psychic field still holding? (Even) → [c90] Yes. Brawn + Stunt Gamble to avoid the axes. A basic that is snake eyes. Two grit lost. We'll say the Spotlight ends after this, though.
  15. I want at least one good fight sequence! Plus I have the stock art. Also, Eustace is going to get Distracted for holding the field for so long.
  16. Will Silver Lining be able to help find the box? (Even) → [c35] No? Not exactly.
  17. Brawn + Fight. + 1 Help from the blades. +2 Fight from the Adrenaline. -1 for the Fighter Feat. Risking a reroll, gets Extreme + Critical. 4 Grit lost right off.
  18. Brawn + Stunt. Gets only a Basic. This avoid the grapple and the hurt but still nets two grit damage.
  19. Same as above but this time gets 3 Basic = 1 Critical and only does one more Grit damage. Has a snake eye so takes a grit. Only one Grit remaining so spends the Adrenaline to activate a counter does a grit damage back to Eustace. Eustace spends his last adrenaline and gets an Extreme so we'll say he cuts off the tentacle arm and gets +2 next turn but takes one more grit from a snake eye. Next hit he is at Bad.
  20. Critical + Basic with no snake eyes. Eustace is very injured and drained of Adrenaline but prevailed.
  21. Is there a log of the crates? (Even) → [c87] Yes. Did people hear Weird Arm's screams? (Even) → [45] Yes? Yes, but are not necessarily caring. Ok, how about this...are they responding to them? (Even) → [c43] No. these bodyguards.
  22. Does Yuito survive Silver Lining's rebellion? (Even) → [c109] NO! Alrighty then.


The GLOW 1996: Psychic Eustace Delmont is played using Two Little Mouse's Outgunned and Outgunned: Action Flicks (especially, but not limited to "Neon Noir" and "Great Powers"). It uses Larcenous Designs' Gamemaster Apprentice Deck: Cyberpunk 2E as its main oracle.

Other sources used include:

  • Zach Best's Universal NPC Emulator.
  • Cesar Capacle's Random Realities
  • Kevin Crawford's Cities Without Number
  • Matt Davis' Book of Random Tables: Cyberpunk 1, 2 and 3.
  • Geist Hack Games and Paul D. Gallagher's Augmented Realities.


Some images are © Dean Spencer. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

Yuito's Bunker's Back Entrance: Image by Tobias Wahlqvist from Pixabay.

Control room is an uncredited photo on Pixabay.

Taxonomy and Technical Data

  • World: The GLOW
    • Campaign: The GLOW
      • Arc: 1996 Psychic Eustace Delmont
        • Post: Episode 4 - Against Ouroboros

Dates Played: February 11, 2025.


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